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Adobe Premiere Pro CS5: Schritt f�r Schritt zum perfekten Film
Dieses Praxisbuch begleitet Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene auf dem Weg zum perfekten Video mit Adobe Premiere Pro. Praxisnah erlernen Sie den geschickten Import von Rohmaterial (analog und digital, DV und HD), verschiedene Schnitt-Techniken, die Vertonung (Audioschnitt, Kommentare, Nachvertonung) und die Retusche fehlerhaften Materials. Au�erdem veredeln Sie Ihren Film mit Titel, Vorspann und Abspann und kr�nen ihn mit �berg�ngen und Effekten. Auch die Ausgabe u.a. mit Adobe Encore wird ausf�hrlich erl�utert und auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Soundbooth eingegangen.
Eine besondere St�rke des Autors liegt dabei in der leicht verst�ndlichen Erkl�rung des n�tigen Hintergrundwissens um Formate, Datenraten, Videokompression etc. Ihr Plus: Ein leichter Zugang zur Software Ihr Ergebnis: Ein attraktiver Film!
Film & Digital Techniques for Zone System Photography
Avid art photographers will learn how to model their work after legendary black-and-white photographer Ansel Adams in this instructional guide. Adams� methodology, known as the Zone System, takes what the viewer will see�the final print�into consideration at the beginning of the photographic process, rather than focusing strictly on what the photographer sees. Once this concept, called �previsualization,� is presented and defined, the book then follows a step-by-step approach to incorporating these ideas into all aspects of the photographic process, including lighting, exposure, development or digital editing, and printmaking or output of digital images. Whether working in film or digital media, these steps will foster early accuracy and elicit better source material from a camera, which allows for greater control and contrast in the lab or on a printer.
Stars in Modern French Film
From the Cannes film festival and Brigitte Bardot to virtual film stars and Virginie Ledoyen, French film stars embody glamour and sex appeal and sometimes controversy. This text analyzes the major French stars of the last fifty years, paying detailed attention to screen performance, representation in the popular press, and social and political contexts of their work. Guy Austin's lucid and engaging account charts the making (and in some cases breaking) of the icons of French cinema, including such famous names as Catherine Deneuve, Gerard Depardieu, and Brigitte Bardot, as well as more recent stars like Beatrice Dalle, Emmanuelle Beart, and Samy Naceri.
Basics Film-Making: Producing - Free eBook Basics Film-Making: Producing - Download ebook Basics Film-Making: Producing free