O'Reilly Bioinformatics Chapters
O'Reilly Bioinformatics Chapters
Online Biology Book (M. Farabee)
Online Biology Book (M. Farabee)
Computational Biology Lecture Notes (R.F. Murphy)
Computational Biology Lecture Notes (R.F. Murphy)
Population Genetics (M. Whitlock)
Population Genetics (M. Whitlock)
Relational Modeling of Biological Data Trees and Graphs (A.J. Mackey)
Relational Modeling of Biological Data Trees and Graphs (A.J. Mackey)
Mathematics and Biology The Interface, Challenges, and Opportunities
Mathematics and Biology The Interface, Challenges, and Opportunities
This textbook presents mathematical models in bioinformatics and describes biological problems that inspire the computer science tools used to manage the enormous data sets involved. The first part of the book covers mathematical and computational methods, with practical applications presented in the second part. The mathematical presentation avoids unnecessary formalism, while remaining clear and precise. The book closes with a thorough bibliography, reaching from classic research results to very recent findings. This volume is suited for a senior undergraduate or graduate course on bioinformatics, with a strong focus on mathematical and computer science background.
Structural Bioinformatics of Membrane Proteins
This book is the first one specifically dedicated to the structural bioinformatics of membrane proteins. With a focus on membrane proteins from the perspective of bioinformatics, the present work covers a broad spectrum of topics in evolution, structure, function, and bioinformatics of membrane proteins focusing on the most recent experimental results. Leaders in the field who have recently reported breakthrough advances cover algorithms, databases and their applications to the subject.
The increasing number of recently solved membrane protein structures makes the expert coverage presented here very timely.
Structural bioinformatics of membrane proteins has been an active area of research over the last thee decades and proves to be a growing field of interest.
Introduction to Bioinformatics: A Theoretical and Practical Approach
"...contains very valuable information on a wide range of topics related to bioinformatics research." - Heredity Product Description Wayne State Univ. School of Medicine, Detroit, MI. Introduces biological, mathematical, statistical, and computer concepts and tools necessary for physical and life scientists to understand and analyze complex biological data. Includes companion CD-ROM with color graphics, lecture material, and software. Hardcover, softcover available. DNLM: Computational Biology--methods.
Bioinformatics for Dummies 2nd Edition
Were you always curious about biology but were afraid to sit through long hours of dense reading? Did you like the subject when you were in high school but had other plans after you graduated? Now you can explore the human genome and analyze DNA without ever leaving your desktop!
Bioinformatics For Dummies is packed with valuable information that introduces you to this exciting new discipline. This easy-to-follow guide leads you step by step through every bioinformatics task that can be done over the Internet. Forget long equations, computer-geek gibberish, and installing bulky programs that slow down your computer. You�ll be amazed at all the things you can accomplish just by logging on and following these trusty directions. You get the tools you need to:
* Analyze all types of sequences * Use all types of databases * Work with DNA and protein sequences * Conduct similarity searches * Build a multiple sequence alignment * Edit and publish alignments * Visualize protein 3-D structures * Construct phylogenetic trees
This up-to-date second edition includes newly created and popular databases and Internet programs as well as multiple new genomes. It provides tips for using servers and places to seek resources to find out about what�s going on in the bioinformatics world. Bioinformatics For Dummies will show you how to get the most out of your PC and the right Web tools so you�ll be searching databases and analyzing sequences like a pro!
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