Palm webOS |
Palm webOS
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Added On: 7-Mar-2011
Download Palm webOS
Category: PDA/Palm
EBook Description: This is the official guide to building native JavaScript applications for Palm�s new mobile operating system, Palm� webOS�. Written by Palm�s software chief technology officer along with the Palm webOS development team, Palm webOS provides a complete tutorial on the design principles, architecture, UI, tools, and services necessary to develop webOS applications-including the Mojo JavaScript framework and Palm�s SDK.
Palm webOS is designed to support a fast and superb user experience using established web standards, so if you�re familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you�re ready to build applications for any webOS-based device, including the Palm Pre. You�ll gain expertise, chapter by chapter, as
you build a working mobile application through the course of the book. You�ll also learn how to extend existing web apps to work with the new generation of mobile phones.
Get a thorough overview of the webOS platform and architecture
Understand the critical concepts for application design: what separates webOS from other web and mobile platforms
Learn the details of Mojo�s development tools and SDK for building and testing mobile applications
Examine best practices, important considerations, and guiding principles for developing with webOS and the Mojo framework
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