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Signal Processing for Digital Communications

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EBook Description: Digital signal processing is a fundamental aspect of communications engineering that all practitioners need to understand. Engineers are looking for guidance in system design, simulation, analysis, and applications to help them tackle their projects with greater speed and efficiency. Now, this critical knowledge can be found in this single, exhaustive resource. Based on the author's extensive research and industry experience, the book presents an up-to-date and comprehensive treatment of all aspects of digital, multirate, adaptive, and statistical signal processing technologies. The book offers detailed examples and describes numerous time-saving algorithms and their implementation methods. Packed with over 1520 equations and more than 200 illustrations, this invaluable reference helps today's communications engineers master a wide range of key topics that are essential to their work in the field.

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Digital Signal Processing: Instant Access

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This book provides an introduction to DSPs as well as succinct overviews of linear systems, digital filters, and digital compression. This book is filled with images, figures, tables, and easy to find tips and tricks for the engineer that needs material fast to complete projects to deadline.

- Tips and tricks feature that will help engineers get info fast and move on to the next issue
- Easily searchable content complete with tabs, chapter table of contents, bulleted lists, and boxed features
- Just the essentials, no need to page through material not needed for the current project

Digital Signal Processing: System Analysis And Design

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With 120 worked examples, 20 case studies, and almost 400 homework exercises, the book is essential reading for anyone taking DSP courses. Its unique blend of theory and real-world practical examples also makes it an ideal reference for practitioners.

Digital Signal Processing

DSP is utilized in just about every electronic system or device. DSP is taking one piece of information be it data, image, video, or audio, most likely compressing, sending, and filtering it to another location within your application to appear in the form of a document, picture or video.

Like Smith before it, this book is different to most on the market by following a popular applied approach to this tricky subject, and will be the perfect starting point for engineers who need to get into DSP from the ground floor. This book starts with the absolute basics of this integral process.

No experience is expected and with no prior knowledge taken for granted, a refresher chapter on complex numbers and trigonometry can be found at the very beginning of the material. Real-world worked examples, reference designs, and tools - including online applets that enable readers to visualize key principles - complete a package that will help engineers who that needs to learn anew or refresh their memory on this essential technology as they move to projects that require DSP familiarity.

Dismayed when presented with a mass of equations as an explanation of DSP? This is the book for you!
Clear examples and a non-mathematical approach gets you up to speed with DSP

Digital Signal Processing: World Class Designs

All the design and development inspiration and direction an digital engineer needs in one blockbuster book! Kenton Williston, author, columnist, and editor of DSP DesignLine has selected the very best digital signal processing design material from the Newnes portfolio and has compiled it into this volume. The result is a book covering the gamut of DSP design'from design fundamentals to optimized multimedia techniques'with a strong pragmatic emphasis. In addition to specific design techniques and practices, this book also discusses various approaches to solving DSP design problems and how to successfully apply theory to actual design tasks. The material has been selected for its timelessness as well as for its relevance to contemporary embedded design issues.
Chapter 1 ADCs, DACs, and Sampling Theory
Chapter 2 Digital Filters
Chapter 3 Frequency Domain Processing
Chapter 4 Audio Coding
Chapter 5 Video Processing
Chapter 6 Modulation
Chapter 7 DSP Hardware Options
Chapter 8 DSP Processors and Fixed-Point Arithmetic
Chapter 9 Code Optimization and Resource Partitioning
Chapter 10 Testing and Debugging DSP Systems

*Hand-picked content selected by Kenton Williston, Editor of DSP DesignLine
*Proven best design practices for image, audio, and video processing
*Case histories and design examples get you off and running on your current project

Digital Signal Processing: WITH DSP Laboratory Using MATLAB: A Computer-Based Approach,2 Edition

"Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach" is intended for a two-semester course on digital signal processing for seniors or first-year graduate students. Based on user feedback, a number of new topics have been added to the second edition, while some excess topics from the first edition have been removed. The author has taken great care to organize the chapters more logically by reordering the sections within chapters. More worked-out examples have also been included. The book contains more than 500 problems and 150 MATLAB exercises. New topics in the second edition include: finite-dimensional discrete-time systems, correlation of signals, inverse systems, system identification, matched filter, design of analog and IIR digital highpass, bandpass and bandstop filters, more on FIR filters, spectral analysis of random signals and sparse antenna array design. A corrected version of the main text is now packaged with Digital Signal Processing Laboratory using MATLAB, which is intended for a computer-based DSP laboratory course that supplements a lecture course on Digital Signal Processing. The lab book includes 11 laboratory exercises, with each exercise containing a number of projects to be carried out on a computer. The book assumes that the reader has no background in MATLAB and teaches the reader, through tested programs in the first half of the book, the basics of this powerful language in solving important problems in signal processing. In the second half of the book, the student is asked to write the necessary MATLAB programs to carry out the projects.

Introduction To Digital Signal Processing

This book is intended to be used in the first course covering digital signal

processing and filter design, typically offered at the senior or first-year

graduate level in electrical engineering. The course is also appropriate for a

graduate course in departments other than electrical engineering, such as

geophysics and mechanical engineering, in which the analysis of discrete"time

data is performed. It is assumed that the student has had a course covering

Fourier series and LaPlace transforms on the level of the first linear circuits or

control systems course. This text also includes projects that require students to

write computer programs to accomplish signal processing projects. The student

should bO'familiar with some programming language 'such as FORTRAN,


This book approaches digital signal processing and filter design in a novel

way, by presenting the relevant theory and then having the student apply it by

implementing signal processing routines on a computer. This mixture of theory

and application has worked successfully for the past six years' in teaching this

course at Yale University. With this approach, the students receive a deeper

and intuitive understanding of the theory, its applications and its limitations.

The text can accommodate a wide variety of courses. Currently, the

course on digital filters at the undergraduate level are taught primarily as a

theory course, with homework problems and exams to determine the course

grade. This book can be used directly in this type of course. However, the

course becomes much more interesting and enjoyable when students apply the

theory to write programs to perform signal processing tasks...

Digital Signal Processing: WITH DSP Laboratory Using MATLAB: A Computer-Based Approach,2 Edition

Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach" is intended for a two-semester course on digital signal processing for seniors or first-year graduate students. Based on user feedback, a number of new topics have been added to the second edition, while some excess topics from the first edition have been removed. The author has taken great care to organize the chapters more logically by reordering the sections within chapters. More worked-out examples have also been included. The book contains more than 500 problems and 150 MATLAB exercises.

Conceptual Wavelets in Digital Signal Processing

Wavelets are incredibly powerful, but if you can t understand them, you can t use them or worse, blissfully misuse them!

CONCEPTUAL WAVELETS is unique as a complete, in-depth treatment of the subject but from an intuitive, conceptual point of view. In this book we stress informed use of wavelets and leave the mathematically rigorous proofs to other texts. We do look at some key equations (at a high-school algebra level)--but only after the concepts are demonstrated so you can see the wavelets (and their associated equations) in action.


--More than 400 illustrations, figures, graphics, tables, visual comparisons, etc. are provided to simplify and clarify the concepts. All of these visual aids are explained in detail using familiar language and terminology.

--Specific properties and suggested applications of the various wavelets and wavelet transforms are clearly shown using step-by-step walk-throughs, demonstrations, case studies, examples, and short tutorials.

--Numerous Jargon Alerts and other Plain English explanations bring you up to speed with the current wavelet nomenclature.

--References to some of the best traditional (and non-traditional) texts, papers, and websites are given for further application-specific study. We also familiarize you with wavelet software and show you how to read the results of their various displays.

--Both the strengths and the weaknesses of the various wavelet transforms are revealed to help you avoid common traps and pitfalls (such as loss of alias cancellation).

--This book clearly explains how to add (literally) another dimension to your signal processing capability by using wavelets to simultaneously determine the frequency, the time, and even the general shape of events and/or anomalies in your data.

The last acknowledgment is to you, the reader, for having the courage to embark on a journey that you probably have heard was difficult but that has the promise of rich rewards as you add the power of wavelet processing to your professional repertoire.

John A. Shedd in 1928 wrote A ship in harbor is safe but that is not what ships are built for . As you leave the safe harbor of conventional Digital Signal Processing to sail upon the wavelets, may you find the treasures you seek. Welcome Aboard!

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