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Programming Microsoft ASP.NET 4

EBook NameProgramming Microsoft ASP.NET 4
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EBook Category Category: ASP .Net

EBook Description: Get the definitive guide to programming with ASP.NET 4 technologies. Led by Web development expert Dino Esposito, youll gain the essential architectural insights combined with in depth technical reference that can take you and your solutions to the next level. Completely reengineered for ASP.NET 4 this definitive guide deftly illuminates the core architecture and programming features of ASP.NET 4 in a single, pragmatic volume. Web development expert Dino Esposito provides essential, architectural level guidance, along with the in depth technical insights designed to take you and your solutions to the next level. The book covers Dynamic Data, AJAX, Microsoft Silverlight, ASP.NET MVC, Web forms, LINQ, and security strategies and features extensive code samples in Microsoft Visual C 2010. Who Should Read This Book? This is not a book for novice developers and doesnt provide a step by step guide on how to design and code Web pages. So the book is not appropriate if you have only a faint idea about ASP.NET and expect the book to get you started with it quickly and effectively. Once you have grabbed hold of ASP.NET basic tasks and features and need to consolidate them, you enter the realm of this book. You wont find screen shots here illustrating Microsoft Visual Studio wizards, nor any mention of options to select or unselect to get a certain behavior from your code. Of course, this doesnt mean that I hate Visual Studio or that Im not recommending Visual Studio for developing ASP.NET applications. Visual Studio is a great tool to use to write ASP.NET applications but, judged from an ASP.NET perspective, it is only a tool. This book, instead, is all about the ASP.NET core technology. I do recommend this book to developers who have knowledge of the basic steps required to build simple ASP.NET pages and easily manage the fundamentals of Web development. This book is not a collection of recipes for cooking good (or just functional) ASP.NET code. This book begins where recipes end. It explains to you the how it works, what you can do, and why you should or should not aspects of ASP.NET. Beginners need not apply, even though this book is a useful and persistent reference to keep on the desk. Table of Contents The ASP.NET Runtime Environment Chapter 1 ASP.NET Web Forms Today The Age of Reason of ASP.NET Web Forms The AJAX Revolution ASP.NET of the Future Summary Chapter 2 ASP.NET and IIS The Web Server Environment

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Book Description
With the incarnations of ASP.NET 3.5 and SQL Server 2008, programming dynamic data�driven web sites with Microsoft technologies has become easier and much more efficient than ever before. Fewer mouse clicks and fewer lines of code can now enable more powerful features and the tools you need�Visual Web Developer and SQL Server 2008 Express Edition�are free. In Beginning ASP.NET E-Commerce in C#: From Novice to Professional, you�ll learn how to best use the free development tools offered by Microsoft to build an online product catalog. You will gain an intimate understanding of every piece of code you write. This understanding will enable you to build your own powerful and flexible web sites efficiently and rapidly with ASP.NET 3.5.

* Build a complete site, including a shopping cart, checkout, product searching, product recommendations, control panel, customer accounts, order processing, and much, much more.
* Explore new challenges and theoretical concepts, which are carefully analyzed and explained throughout the book, with each feature you add to the web site.
* Learn to handle payments by integrating PayPal and DataCash into your site.

What you�ll learn

* Use Microsoft�s Express products to build an online product catalog
* Add payment processing with PayPal and DataCash
* Expand your site�s product listing through web services
* Implement an order pipeline
* Take advantage of search engine optimization techniques to publicize your site

Who this book is for
Developers wanting to build professional e�commerce sites using .NET technologies.

ASP.NET Using Visual C Sharp with KenGet & DonKiely WMV-WMV1

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In addition, you?ll learn about ASP.NET features, such as support for LINQ (Language Integrated Query), CSS tools, and will become familiar with the tracing features in Visual Studio that help you quickly troubleshoot issues. You will also learn how to work with ASP.NET Profile features, ASP.NET Web Parts, and how to take advantage of creating your own user-defined control. As you progress through the course you will learn about optimizing your sites, the ListView control, and so much more.

In this course, you will learn to:
* Use ASP.NET server controls to generate HTML and to execute event procedures
* Configure and deploy ASP.NET applications
* Promote consistency within your Web site through the use of Master Pages
* Use Membership features to manage your Web users
* Use Site Navigation controls to direct users within your site
* Add scalability and reliability by setting up an out-of-process session state server
* Use ASP.NET?s new CSS tools to create consistent and maintainable sites
* Debug .NET code that runs on the server to generate Web pages and interact with the user
* Find problems in javascript code and learn about other debugging tools in Visual Studio
* Use tracing to find problems in a Web site and monitor performance
* Display and edit data using the databound DataList, Repeater, and ListView controls

ASP.Net WebServices

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Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 Databases Beta Preview

What is this book about?
With help from Microsoft ASP.NET insider Bradley Millington, John Kaufman covers both VB.NET and C# coding for ASP.NET databases so you don't have to decide up front which language you want more and retailers no longer have to manage inventory on separate language versions.
What does this book cover?
This edition is completely written from scratch on the ASP.NET "Whidbey" Beta to ensure the coverage is most appropriate for this greatly changed version.
The book focuses on solving business problems in a logical progression, from connecting to displaying to changing the data. Additional chapters cover enhancements to the presentation and alternate types of data. The book follows the practice of going beyond the basic techniques to discuss the permutations, pitfalls, and best practices that occur in real business scenarios.

ASP.NET 4 Social Networking with code

Social Networking is all about developing connections or ties between friends and associates. While people have always networked with one another the Internet has allowed us to network with people all over the world easily. Any interest or cause can support its own social network, where fans and followers can meet, chat, and share their views. But building a social networking site from scratch involves some complex logic, and some serious coding.

This book shows how to build a scalable, enterprise-ready social network using ASP.NET. The book uses the latest features of ASP.NET 4.0 and .NET Framework 4.0 to provide a platform that is efficient, easy to maintain, and extensible. Whether you want to build your own social network, are developing a social site for a customer or employer, or just want a practical guide to developing complex ASP.NET applications, this book is ideal for you.

The book starts by planning the essential features of your social network, and then building a �community framework� that will give your site a solid foundation and enable you to add all your social networking features. You can then go on to create user accounts, profile pages, messaging systems, �friend� relationships between members, photo galleries, blogs, forums, groups, and more. Along the way you will see MEF, Entity Framework, LINQ, AJAX, C# 4.0, ASP.NET Routing,and other features of ASP.NET 4.0 put to practical and interesting uses. There is also integration with other technologies like Silverlight, Flash, XINHA WYSIWYG editor, reCaptcha, Lucene.NET and Cropper and you also look at custom implementation of authentication and profile features for the website.

This book will show you how to create a scalable, maintainable social network that can support hundreds of thousands of users, complete with multimedia features.

A step by step guide to building enterprise-ready social networking and community applications with ASP.NET 4

What you will learn from this book :

* Make key decisions about architecture and the tools to use
* Build a solid �community framework� to give your site a strong foundation; the principles explored this framework will apply to any large-scale web application
* Create user accounts, set up a permissions system, and handle password encryption
* Work with user profiles, and establish �friend� relationships between different users
* Allow users customize their profile and communicate with one another
* Work with photos, forums and start tagging, commenting, voting etc.
* Understand core concepts of Entity framework and work with it in a layered environment
* Understand core concepts of MEF and see how it helps build pluggable components
* Moderate the site, ensuring safety, dealing with cross-site scripting (XSS), privacy, and decency
* Utilize the Model View Presenter pattern with ASP.NET 4.0 to enable creation of automated test cases
* Add an internal search engine using SQL Server and Lucene.NET
* Work with appropriate design patters to create a scalable long-lasting enterprise framework

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At the bottom links you can free ASP.NET Developers Jump Start ebook downloads, from the filesonic file hosting.

Mastering ASP.NET MVC 2.0

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In this episode Rob Conery takes on the discussion of why you should care about ASP.NET MVC 2.0. Rob discusses business and technical reasons, plus highlights the typical workflow of using ASP.NET MVC 2.0. Note: this is a summary video, all topics will be discussed in depth in later episodes.
2 - Controllers, Part 1
In this episode Steven Sanderson walks you through the basics of what a Controller is and how to work with it, including strategies for using Search.
3 - Controllers, Part 2
In this episode Steven continues working with Controllers, going deeper to show you how to map HTTP verbs to your controller actions, how to create your own ControllerFactory to implement Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control, and how to scale your application with Asynchronous Controllers.
4 - Views: The Basics
In this episode I get to the very, very basics of working with a View. I dive into the machinery that actually causes the rendering to happen in the first place and then work my way back out from there, showing you the nuts and bolts of what makes a View work.
5 - Views: Working With Data
In this episode I show you how data is passed from your Controller to your view, and then discuss ways to keep your views DRY with Helper classes and Partials. We'll be working a lot more with the Html Helpers (and Partials) in a later episode.
6 - Views: ViewEngines
In this episode I show you how to override the default ViewEngine and then throw it away altogether, rolling your own. I also do an overview of Spark, rolling my little demo app over to the popular ViewEngine.
7 - Views: HtmlHelpers
In this episode I show you how to work with the HTML Helpers - and why you would want to. Specifically I show you how to get around the loss of "Stateful Postback" that you had with WebForms and also how to work a DropDownList properly. In addition I show you what's new with MVC 2.0
8 - Views: Partials and Templates
In this episode i continue working with Partials and also show you an old/new friend: RenderAction, which injects the HTML from a separate Action into a given View. I then transition to a new feature of ASP.NET MVC 2: Templates and show you how they work with ModelMetaData and DataAnnotations.
9 - Models and Metadata
In this episode Steven walks you through building out a UI using changes to ModelMetada using DataAnnotations. In addition he shows you how to create your own MetaDataProvider.
10 - Model Binding
In this episode Steven walks you through using ASP.NET MVC 2.0's Model Binding feature - the automatic way to bind incoming post data to your model objects (and a lot more). Steven also takes a deep dive into custom model binders.
11 - Model Validation
In this episode Steven walks through Model Validation using the built-in ModelBinders as well as DataAnnotations.
12 - Routing
In this episode Steven dives deep into "Rooting" (aka "Routing" to those in the US) and ways you can manipulate the URLs to your application using ASP.NET's routing system.
13 - Filters
In this episode Steven shows you how to use ActionFilters to enforce authentication, cache output, and do other fun things.
14 - Security
In this episode I show you various ways that bad guys can crack your site, including XSS, Social Engineering, Weak Passwords, and CSRF
15 - Putting It All Together: Application Foundation
In this episode I wrap up everything we've talked about thus far and show you how to build the foundations of an ASP.NET MVC application. It's an opinionated approach, and you should feel free to customize as needed.

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.NET ASP.NET MVC 3.0 Fundamentals and Practices

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Programming Microsoft ASP.NET 4

Completely reengineered for ASP.NET 4�this definitive guide deftly illuminates the core architecture and programming features of ASP.NET 4 in a single, pragmatic volume. Web development expert Dino Esposito provides essential, architectural-level guidance, along with the in-depth technical insights designed to take you�and your solutions�to the next level. The book covers Dynamic Data, AJAX, Microsoft Silverlight�, ASP.NET MVC, Web forms, LINQ, and security strategies�and features extensive code samples in Microsoft Visual C#� 2010.

Programming Microsoft ASP.NET 4 - Free eBook Programming Microsoft ASP.NET 4 - Download ebook Programming Microsoft ASP.NET 4 free

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