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"Graphics and Animation on iOS: A Beginner's Guide to Core Graphics and Core Animation"

EBook Name"Graphics and Animation on iOS: A Beginner's Guide to Core Graphics and Core Animation"
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Ebook Added On Added On: 14-Jul-2011
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EBook Category Category: Animations

EBook Description: This introductory text teaches programmers in Cookbook style how to write iOS apps that take advantage of Core Graphics and Quartz Core and the SDK?s great graphical capabilities, such as using custom fonts, loading and using colors, drawing gradients, moving, scaling and rotating images and whatnot.

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About the Author
Vandad Nahavandipoor has developed software using Cocoa, Cocoa Touch, Assembly, Delphi, and .NET for many years. As a staff member of a company that is a global leader in mobile money solutions in London, he has worked with some of the world's biggest brands-such as Visa and US Bank-to deliver mobile applications to their customers. Vandad brings an interest in management, leadership and entrepreneurship to his work, believing in the synergy that is achieved as a result of cooperation and working together in a team.

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