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Body Mechanics and Animation in Maya Pushing Objects

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Ebook Added On Added On: 14-Jul-2011
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EBook Category Category: Animations

EBook Description: Exploring Animation Principles in 3ds Max 2011: Squash and Stretch This course will delve in the animation principle of Squash and Stretch in Max. The goal of this course is to provide you with a deeper understanding of what squash and stretch is all about. We'll cover everything from learning a technique for automating squash and stretch that computes fast, to exploring ways it can be used to add more flexibility to characters. Exploring Animation Principles in 3ds Max 2011: Appeal This course will delve in the animation principle of Appeal in Max. The goal of this course is to give you a greater understanding of what appeal is. We will explore various ways appeal can be added successfully, which will, in turn, strength your ability as an animator as you use this principle to refine your work for more captivating results. Exploring Animation Principles in 3ds Max 2011: Timing and Spacing This course will delve in the animation principle of Timing and Spacing in Max. Throughout this course, we'll define Timing and Spacing and work through a variety exercises to help get the point across. We'll even discuss techniques we can use to make sure our animations are Timed accurately. By the end of this course, you'll have a deeper understanding of the principle of Timing and Spacing, which will help you become a better animator. Exploring Animation Principles in 3ds Max 2011: Exaggeration This course will delve in the animation principle of Exaggeration in Max. The goal of this course is to give you a clearer understanding of what exaggeration is all about. We will explore various ways exaggeration can be implemented successfully. We'll also cover how and how not it should be used, which will, in turn, strength your ability as an animator as you use this principle to refine your work for a more entertaining end result.

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