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Java Fundamentals
Java is a strong type checking language. There are two concepts regarding types and objects. One is the object type and the other the template/class the object was created from. When an object is created, the template/class is assigned to that object which can not be changed. Types of an object however can be changed by type casting. Types of an object is associated with the object reference that referencing the object and determines what operation can be performed on the object through that object reference. Assigning the value of one object reference to a different type of object reference is called type casting.
Complete Java 2 Enterprise
In this course, you'll learn about the tools and technologies of the Java 2 Enterprise Edition Software Development Kit. You will understand how to design and implement an Enterprise Application using the Java 2 Language and how to use the tools within the SDK to provide rapid development and deployment. You'll learn the characteristics of what makes an enterprise application, scalable, reliable, and secure using techniques such as transaction management, packaging and deployment. You'll see how the J2EE platform can support a multitude of operating systems, such as Red Hat Linux and Microsoft's Windows 2000 Server products.
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Java EE 6
You will learn the main technologies: JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.0, and Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) for Web applications, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.1 for the development of business components and Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.0 for the database layer. Finally will show your coach Michael Kulla of a complete Java EE application, such as mesh cooperate previously discussed technologies. Extensive code examples help you in this training.
Complete Java 2 Enterprise Edition Training Series
In this course, you�ll learn about the tools and technologies of the Java 2 Enterprise Edition Software Development Kit. You will understand how to design and implement an Enterprise Application using the Java 2 Language and how to use the tools within the SDK to provide rapid development and deployment. You�ll learn the characteristics of what makes an enterprise application, scalable, reliable, and secure using techniques such as transaction management, packaging and deployment. You�ll see how the J2EE platform can support a multitude of operating systems, such as Red Hat Linux and Microsoft�s Windows 2000 Server products.
# 6 CD-ROMs (Sessions) or Videos with over 7 hours of instruction by Campbell Gunn. # Courseware including hands-on labs and sample code to reinforce important concepts # Focused on practical solutions to real-world development problems. # Comprehensive, understandable, and reusable as reference material.
Video2Brain - Java EE 6
You will learn the main technologies: JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.0, and Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) for Web applications, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.1 for the development of business components and Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.0 for the database layer. Finally will show your coach Michael Kulla of a complete Java EE application, such as mesh cooperate previously discussed technologies. Extensive code examples help you in this training.
Programming Finite Elements in Java
The finite element method (FEM) is a computational technique for solving problems which are described by partial differential equations or which can be formulated as functional minimization. The FEM is commonly used in the design and development of products, especially where structural analysis is involved. The simple object model of the Java� programming language lends itself to efficient implementation of FEM analysis.
Java Games
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Data Structures of Java
Like other Schaum’s Outlines, this book is intended to be used primarily for self study. It is suitable as a study guide in a course on data structures using the Java programming language. In American universities, this is typically the second course in the computer science major. The book is also serves well as a reference on data structures and the Java Collections Framework. The book includes more than 200 detailed examples and over 260 solved problems. The author firmly believes that programming is learned best by practice, following a well-constructed collection of examples with complete explanations. This book is designed to provide that support. This second edition is a major improvement over the original 2001 edition. Most of the chapters have been completely rewritten. Three entirely new chapters have been added, on object-oriented programming, linked structures, and the Java Collections Framework. Java 6.0 is used throughout the book, with special attention to these new features of the language: The Scanner class. The StringBuilder class. Formatted output, including the printf() method. The enhanced for loop (also called the for-each loop). Static imports. enum types. Variable length parameter lists. Autoboxing. Generic classes The Deque, ArrayDeque, EnumSet, and EnumMap classes, and the Queue interface in the Java Collections Framework.
Mastering JXTA - Building Java Peer-to-Peer Applications
A comprehensive, code-intensive guide to building commercial-quality peer-to-peer applications with JXTA and Java Tens of millions of people use peer-to-peer (P2P) applications such as KaZaA, AOL Instant Messenger, and Distributed.net. These applications harness the idle CPU cycles of their host computers to produce enormous databases of information, build powerful processing engines, and enable communication and file-sharing among users around the world. Previously, P2P applications have been built using proprietary technologies and protocols, forcing developers to start from scratch each time they write a new application. Now JXTA, an open source, P2P development technology, enables developers to build P2P applications using Java, XML, and other industry standards.With this invaluable book, Joseph Gradecki provides a practical guide to building peer-to-peer applications using Java. He provides detailed descriptions of the JXTA technologies and demonstrates how to build real-world applications. This book also includes: * Detailed descriptions of the JXTA specification and the Java reference implementation * The complete P2P development process, including how to build reusable application frameworks * Fully functional example applications, including a distributed computational engine that can utilize the idle CPU power of thousands of remote machines to solve complex problems, and a fault-tolerant, encrypted network storage system The companion Web site includes: * All the code listings and complete applications from the book * Links to additional JXTA and P2P resources
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