Web, Graphics & Perl TK: Best of the Perl Journal |
Web, Graphics & Perl TK: Best of the Perl Journal
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Added On: 20-Jul-2011
Download Web, Graphics & Perl TK: Best of the Perl Journal
Category: Perl and CGI
EBook Description: Web, Graphics & Perl/Tk is the second volume of The Best of the Perl Journal, compiled and re-edited by the original editor and publisher of The Perl Journal, Jon Orwant. In this series, we�ve taken the very best (and still relevant) articles published in TPJ over its five years of publication and immortalized them into three volumes.
The forty articles included in this volume are simply some of the best Perl articles ever written on the subjects of graphics, the Web, and Perl/Tk, by some of the best Perl authors and coders.
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Games Diversions & Perl Culture
The Perl Journal (TPJ) did something most print journals aspire to, but few succeed. Within a remarkable short time, TPJ acquired a cult-following and became the voice of the Perl community. Every serious Perl programmer subscribed to it, and every notable Perl guru jumped at the opportunity to write for it. Back issues were swapped like trading cards. No longer in print format, TPJ remains the quintessential spirit of Perl�a publication for and by Perl programmers who see fun and beauty in an admittedly quirky little language.
Games, Diversions, and Perl Culture is the third volume of The Best of the Perl Journal, compiled and re-edited by the original editor and publisher of The Perl Journal, Jon Orwant. In this series, weve taken the very best (and still relevant) articles published in TPJ over its 5 years of publication and immortalized them into three volumes.
-Web Graphics and Perl Tk Programming 2010
Web, Graphics & Perl/Tk is the second volume of The Best of the Perl Journal, compiled and re-edited by the original editor and publisher of The Perl Journal, Jon Orwant. In this series, we�ve taken the very best (and still relevant) articles published in TPJ over its five years of publication and immortalized them into three volumes.
Written by twenty-three of the most prominent and prolific members of the closely-knit Perl community, including Lincoln Stein, Mark-Jason Dominus, Alligator Descartes, and Dan Brian, the forty articles included in this volume are simply some of the best Perl articles ever written on the subjects of graphics, the Web, and Perl/Tk.
Games, Diversions, and Perl Culture
Games, Diversions, and Perl Culture is the third volume of The Best of the Perl Journal, compiled and re-edited by the original editor and publisher of The Perl Journal, Jon Orwant. The 47 articles included in thisvolume are simply some of the best Perl articles ever written on the subjects of games, diversions, and the unique culture of this close-knit community, by some of the best Perl authors and coders.
Games, Diversions, and Perl Culture is the third volume of The Best of the Perl Journal, compiled and re-edited by the original editor and publisher of The Perl Journal, Jon Orwant. In this series, we�ve taken the very best (and still relevant) articles published in TPJ over its 5 years of publication and immortalized them into three volumes.
Beginning Perl Web Development
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Perl in 24 Hours
Learn Perl programming quickly and easily with 24 one-hour lessons in Sams Teach Yourself Perl in 24 Hours. The book's step-by-step lessons teach you the basics of Perl and how to apply it in web development and system administration. Plus, the third edition has been updated to include five chapters on new technologies, information on the latest version of Perl, and a look ahead to Perl 6.
Automating System Administration with Perl
If you do systems administration work of any kind, you have to deal with the growing complexity of your environment and increasing demands on your time. Automating System Administration with Perl, Second Edition, not only offers you the right tools for your job, but also suggests the best way to approach specific problems and to securely automate recurring tasks. Updated and expanded to cover the latest operating systems, technologies, and Perl modules, this edition of the "Otter Book" will help you:
Perl and Apache Your Visual Blueprint for Developing Dynamic Web Content
Visually explore the range of built-in and third-party libraries of Perl and Apache Perl and Apache have been providing Common Gateway Interface (CGI) access to Web sites for 20 years and are constantly evolving to support the ever-changing demands of Internet users. With this book, you will heighten your knowledge and see how to usePerl and Apache to develop dynamic Web sites. Beginning with a clear, step-by-step explanation of how to install Perl and Apache on both Windows and Linux servers, you then move on to configuring each to securely provide CGI Services
Accelerating Perl Web Application Development
Many web applications are implemented in a way that makes developing them painful and repetitive. Catalyst is an open-source Perl-based Model-View-Controller framework that aims to solve this problem by reorganizing your web application to design and implement it in a natural, maintainable, and testable manner, making web development fun, fast, and rewarding. Everything that your web application needs to do is only written once; you connect to the database in one place, have configuration in one place, etc. Then, you just write actions for each URL that your application needs, without worrying about the database connections or HTML to produce. Catalyst will handle the details so you can worry about writing your application.
Web, Graphics & Perl TK: Best of the Perl Journal - Free eBook Web, Graphics & Perl TK: Best of the Perl Journal - Download ebook Web, Graphics & Perl TK: Best of the Perl Journal free