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Handcrafted CSS More Bulletproof Web Design

EBook NameHandcrafted CSS More Bulletproof Web Design
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EBook Category Category: HTML / CSS

EBook Description: Theres a real connection between craftsmanship and Web design. Thats the theme running through Handcrafted CSS: More Bulletproof Web Design, by bestselling author Dan Cederholm, with a chapter contributed by renowned Web designer and developer Ethan Marcotte.

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Whether you're just starting out in web development or you'd like to update your existing skills, this book gets you off to a fast start! In fact, in just the first 6 chapters, you'll learn more about web development than you can from most full books. By the end of this crash course, you'll be developing web pages the professional way, with HTML or XHTML for the content and CSS for the formatting and page layout. That includes sophisticated page layouts that require the use of the box model, floating, and positioning.
In section 2, you'll learn all the other skills that you need for developing web pages. Those skills include how to develop forms that are submitted to web servers, how to add audio or video to a page, how to use a style sheet for printing, how to develop pages for mobile devices...everything you need for modern web pages. You'll also learn how to take your web pages to the next level by using tested javascript code for effects like image rollovers and slide shows.
In the last section, now that you know how to develop web pages, you'll learn how to design an entire web site using today's best practices. You'll also learn how to deploy your web site, and how to get it into the major search engines and directories. When you're done, you'll have all the perspective and skills you need to develop professional web pages.

CSS & XHTML for Web Development

Description: With Total Training for CSS & XHTML Web Development youll learn the process of building a structure for your web pages and then styling those web pages so that they look polished and professional, in the style and design you format.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a versatile scripting language that allows designers great flexibility in terms of the visual appearance for a site they wish to create and affords them the means to change that appearance without having to recode web pages. This flexibility and the best practices youll learn during the design process can turn an average web designer into a top notch designer, which will help you build your portfolio and client list.
Learn to build up an HTML structure to organize content on a web page
Easily apply formatting to your HTML structure using CSS
Discover how to override inherited formatting using CSS
Change your web pages layout without changing your HTML
Manage your website file structure and preview your work using Dreamweaver


Whether you’re just starting out in web development or you’d like to update your existing skills, this book gets you off to a fast start! In fact, in just the first 6 chapters, you’ll learn more aboutweb development than you can from most full books. By the end of this crash course, you’ll be developing web pages the professional way, with HTML or XHTML for the content and CSS for the formatting and page layout. That includes sophisticated page layouts that require the use of the box model, floating, and positioning.In section 2, you’ll learn all the other skills that you need for developing web pages. Those skills include how to develop forms that are submitted to web servers, how to add audio or video to a page, how to use a style sheet for printing, how to develop pages for mobile devices…everything you need for modern web pages. You’ll also learn how to take your web pages to the next level by using tested JavaScript code for effects like image rollovers and slide shows.

The CSS Pocket Guide by Chris Casciano

CSS is a language for describing the presentation of elements in a document marked up in HTML. It enables you to rapidly create Web designs that can be shared by multiple pages, accelerates development time, and is the essential tool for building standards-compliant sites. This low-priced pocket guide works as a concise introduction to CSS3 and serves as a handy reference. In it readers will learn
The core concepts of CSS
How to format text with CSS
How to apply CSS style rules to markup
How to build multicolumn layouts without using tables
And much more
This pocket guide along with the HTML Pocket Guide and the javascript Pocket Guide make creating standard-compliant websites a breeze. Learn core concepts or skip to the parts you need to solve an immediate problem. They're exactly the resource that every Web designer needs.

Designing With CSS

This video on DVD is by renowned designer and author Andy Clarke. In his book, Transcending CSS: The Fine Art Of Web Design (New Riders), Andy set the stage for the development of progressive Web site design using XHTML, CSS and other Web-standards technologies. In this new video, he takes a step back and teaches some fundamental concepts about designing using CSS and working with a range of browser tools to open up the creative opportunities.Viewers will learn how to design for the web by using the browser and how to lay the foundations for their designs using meaningful and accessible markup. You'll learn about the fundamentals of CSS typography and color, and how to lay out pages using CSS floats, positioning, and columns. The design workflow becomes faster and more efficient, and more accurately representative of how designs will be viewed in the final result.
Andy demonstrates these concepts using examples from a fictitious social networking site he created and files are included on the disc for viewers to follow along.

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