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Military Embedded Systems

EBook NameMilitary Embedded Systems
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EBook Category Category: Embedded Systems

EBook Description: he Military Embedded Systems Magazine publications are the most complete resources for developers and integrators of embedded military systems. Far from focusing solely on the front end of a program (the Design Stage), Military Embedded Systems offers technical coverage on topics that apply to all stages of a military program. Military Embedded Systems covers from System Design and Development (SDD) to technology insertion, from spiral development to sustainment, and finally right through to the programs end of life and technical obsolescence mitigation strategy.

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Multi-Core Embedded Systems

Increasingly demanding modern applications�such as those used in telecommunications networking and real-time processing of audio, video, and multimedia streams�require multiple processors to achieve computational performance at the rate of a few giga-operations per second. This necessity for speed and manageable power consumption makes it likely that the next generation of embedded processing systems will include hundreds of cores, while being increasingly programmable, blending processors and configurable hardware in a power-efficient manner.
Multi-Core Embedded Systems presents a variety of perspectives that elucidate the technical challenges associated with such increased integration of homogeneous (processors) and heterogeneous multiple cores. It offers an analysis that industry engineers and professionals will need to understand the physical details of both software and hardware in embedded architectures, as well as their limitations and potential for future growth.

"Multi-Core Embedded Systems"

Increasingly demanding modern applications�such as those used in telecommunications networking and real-time processing of audio, video, and multimedia streams�require multiple processors to achieve computational performance at the rate of a few giga-operations per second. This necessity for speed and manageable power consumption makes it likely that the next generation of embedded processing systems will include hundreds of cores, while being increasingly programmable, blending processors and configurable hardware in a power-efficient manner.

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