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Data Mining

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EBook Category Category: Data Analysis and Data Mining

EBook Description: Like the first edition, voted the most popular data mining book by KD Nuggets readers, this book explores concepts and techniques for the discovery of patterns hidden in large data sets, focusing on issues relating to their feasibility, usefulness, effectiveness, and scalability. However, since the publication of the first edition, great progress has been made in the development of new data mining methods, systems, and applications. This new edition substantially enhances the first edition, and new chapters have been added to address recent developments on mining complex types of data including stream data, sequence data, graph structured data, social network data, and multi-relational data.

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Statistical Data Mining Using SAS Applications

Statistical Data Mining Using SAS Applications, Second Edition describes statistical data mining concepts and demonstrates the features of user-friendly data mining SAS tools. Integrating the statistical and graphical analysis tools available in SAS systems, the book provides complete statistical data mining solutions without writing SAS program codes or using the point-and-click approach. Each chapter emphasizes step-by-step instructions for using SAS macros and interpreting the results. Compiled data mining SAS macro files are available for download on the author�s website. By following the step-by-step instructions and downloading the SAS macros, analysts can perform complete data mining analysis fast and effectively.

Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques

Our ability to generate and collect data has been increasing rapidly. Not only are all of our business, scientific, and government transactions now computerized, but the widespread use of digital cameras, publication tools, and bar codes also generate data. On the collection side, scanned text and image platforms, satellite remote sensing systems, and the World Wide Web have flooded us with a tremendous amount of data. This explosive growth has generated an even more urgent need for new techniques and automated tools that can help us transform this data into useful information and knowledge.

Intelligent Data Mining: Techniques and Applications

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Statistical Data Mining Using SAS Applications, Second Edition

Statistical Data Mining Using SAS Applications, Second Edition describes statistical data mining concepts and demonstrates the features of user-friendly data mining SAS tools. Integrating the statistical and graphical analysis tools available in SAS systems, the book provides complete statistical data mining solutions without writing SAS program codes or using the point-and-click approach. Each chapter emphasizes step-by-step instructions for using SAS macros and interpreting the results. Compiled data mining SAS macro files are available for download on the author�s website. By following the step-by-step instructions and downloading the SAS macros, analysts can perform complete data mining analysis fast and effectively.
New to the Second Edition�General Features

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It is quite clear that the world is awash in all kinds of data. In fact, the sheer volume of data adds little value to human activity and choices. The key to the vast amounts of data and information available to us is to distill and organize the data into information that we can productively use. Therefore, the most desirable information is that information which can be used to provide insight and intelligence for actionable strategies. DATA ENGINEERING: Mining, Information and Intelligence focuses specifically on applied information-warehousing and data-mining research that is being used or can be used by both academic researchers and industry enterprises. Moreover, the book will be the first to categorize and synthesize the diverse methodologies that are used in these interrelated fields into a structured approach entitled, Data Engineering

"Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook"

Knowledge Discovery demonstrates intelligent computing at its best, and is the most desirable and interesting end-product of Information Technology. To be able to discover and to extract knowledge from data is a task that many researchers and practitioners are endeavoring to accomplish. There is a lot of hidden knowledge waiting to be discovered � this is the challenge created by today�s abundance of data.

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