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"The Linear Algebra a Beginning Graduate Student Ought to Know"
Linear algebra is a living, active branch of mathematics which is central to almost all other areas of mathematics, both pure and applied, as well as computer science, the physical and social sciences, and engineering. It entails an extensive corpus of theoretical results as well as a large body of computational techniques. Unfortunately, in recent years the content of the linear algebra courses required to complete an undergraduate degree in mathematics has been depleted to the extent that they fail to provide a sufficient theoretical or computational background. Students are not only less able to formulate or even follow mathematical proofs, they are also less able to understand the mathematics of the numerical algorithms they need for applications. Certainly, the material presented in the average undergraduate linear algebra course is insufficient for graduate study. This book is intended to fill this gap by providing enough material "theoretical and computational" to allow the student to work independently or in advanced courses.
Calculus: A Complete Course
For the three-semester calculus course. Proven in North America and abroad, this classic text has earned a reputation for excellent accuracy and mathematical rigour. Previous editions have been praised for providing complete and precise statements of theorems, using geometric reasoning in applied problems, and for offering a range of applications across the sciences. Written in a clear, coherent, and readable form, Calculus: A Complete Course makes student comprehension a clear priority. This seventh edition features a new co-author, Dr. Christopher Essex, who has been invited to contribute his unique style and approach to the subject material. Instructors and students will appreciate revised exercises, greater emphasis on differential equations, new pedagogical features, and an enhanced MyLab.
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