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Top Ten Lists
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Computer Jokes
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Funny ads
Funny ads, clean, updated often, and ranging in topics from signs and notices to real newspaper headlines. Each joke is labeled, and all have been filtered for the best quality. You'll find funny ads that have appeared on signs, funny classified ads that have really been posted in newspapers, and more!
Old Age Jokes
Jokes and humor about the elderly, relating to a variety of different topics. These old age jokes relate to retirement, medical problems, relationships, daily activities, interests, wealth, knowledge, appointments, and more!
Shopping Jokes
Jokes and humor about shopping and purchases, relating to a variety of different topics. These shopping jokes relate to purchases, traveling through stores, going to the mall, and more!
Travel Jokes
Travel jokes and humor about automobiles, vacations, tourists, staying at hotels, going on trips, traffic signs, visiting foreign countries, and much more!
Funny guides
Funny guides, clean, updated often, and ranging in topics from women to medical terminology. Each joke is labeled, and all have been filtered for the best quality. You'll find funny guides about hick computer terms, evaluation comments, progress evaluations, a skier's dictionary, and much more!
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