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Ethnic Jokes
Ethnic jokes and humor about people across the world. You will find ethnic jokes about different cultures, about Mexicans at the border, about Americans, about foreigners, and far more!
Golf jokes
Golf jokes, clean, updated often, and ranging in topics from people on the golf course to rules of golf. Each joke is labeled, and all have been filtered for the best quality. You'll find golf jokes about being on a deserted island, having an incredible golf ball, about buying golf balls, and more!
Free Funny Jokes
Provide fresh funny pictures for your web site visitors. Your visitors will be effortlessly entertained on each retuning visit.
Food Jokes
Food jokes and restaurant humor about types of food, restaurant menus, cooks, the cost of food, and much more!
Farmer Jokes
Farmer jokes and humor, relating to those who work on the farm, those living near farms, and jokes about the daily routines that come with farming.
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