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Weight Training For Dummies (Repost) Book: Any large bookstore has a few shelves of books about exercise and fitness. Usually they fall into one of two categories: basic books meant for people who've never exercised before, and bodybuilding manuals meant for people who do nothing but. Weight Training for Dummies is just about the only book that spans the knowledge gap between the two groups. It has plenty of easy-to-understand instruction for complete beginners, but there's also a lot of information for those who've been training a while. In fact, some veteran gym rats may be startled by the authors' extreme skepticism about nutritional supplements and some popular classes offered in many gyms.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 6:07:06 AM | Visits: 34698

Windows Vista Plain & Simple Book: Get the fast answersin full colorthat make learning the new Windows Vista operating system plain and simple! Windows Vista helps you more effectively use your PCwith simple ways to find and use your information, enjoy your digital media, and connect to technologies and people. This no-nonsense guide helps you learn the easy way to navigate this new operating system with numbered steps and concise, straightforward language that show the most expedient ways to learn a new skill or solve a problem. Youll discover how to perform everyday tasks and answer your own questions quicklylearning the essentials for customizing your desktop, setting up a home network, managing digital media, publishing files to the Web, and more. With Plain & Simple, you dont have to wade through superfluous details.
From the Publisher

Date Added: 10/30/2010 6:06:20 AM | Visits: 34868

Duke�s Handbook of Medicinal Plants of the Bible PDF Book: Readers have come to depend on comprehensive manuals Jim Duke for their ease of use and artful presentation of scientific information. Following the successful format of his other CRC handbooks, Duke's Handbook of Medicinal Plants contains the Bible 150 herbs in alphabetical order, with scientific names. Each entry provides illustrations of the plant, family line information, synonyms, notes, common names, activities, indications, dosages, interactions and disadvantages, natural history, and extracts. This comprehensive text also includes Biblical quotes from various translations as the King James version and Revised Standard edition, along with comments on points of interest

Date Added: 10/30/2010 6:05:22 AM | Visits: 35173

Development and Use of Outcome Studies: First Steps For The Practicing Clinician Book: How effective is your practice? Today's practitioners need to know how to evaluate their practices objectively. In today's high-pressure reimbursement environment, clinicians must able to assess the cost effectiveness, quality, and efficiency of the services they provide. This groundbreaking text�the first to combine both the terminology and the process of using outcome data to improve service delivery�shows you how to do just that. And, it clarifies the relationship between outcome measurement and research.
- Provides step-by-step descriptions of how to set up a study using retrospective data from a clinician's own patient charts.
- Demystifies the process of converting narrative documentation to data that can be evaluated objectively
- Shifts the focus from the individual practitioner to a system of ongoing service delivery, a �big picture� discussion that includes quality assurances processes.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 6:04:39 AM | Visits: 33099

Practical Joint Assessment: Lower Quadrant: A Sports Medicine Manual Book: The spiral bound Practical Joint Assessment Manual Lower Quadrantis a user-friendly guide to the common assessment. The combination of clear and provides brief descriptions of assessment procedures, detailed cause-effect analysis, and more than 250 line drawings, practical understanding of the therapist. These manuals provide a useful clinical tool for the Allied Health Professional, including: sports, physical therapists, chiropractors, sports therapists, osteopathic student, massage therapist, kinesiologist and sports medicine.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 6:03:53 AM | Visits: 33365

Luftwaffe Test Pilot: Flying Captured Allied Aircraft of World War II Book: The author flew all the major German warplanes, and the minor and experimental types. Hans specialized in flying captured Allied aircraft that fell intact into German hands. He had no flight manuals and had to fly by intuition; he never crashed of seriously damaged one airplane. This book is based on his wartime records, and tells of his test results.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 6:02:55 AM | Visits: 33845

.NET System Management Services (Repost) Book: NET System Management Services is a comprehensive overview of a next-generation system management framework, which emerged recently as a result of a merger between two new technologies from Microsoft: the .NET platform and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). WMI has a much narrower focus and somewhat limited audience than .NET. Together, these two technologies are a cornerstone of Microsoft's strategic vision, aiming to make Windows a supreme enterprise computing environment. .NET System Management Services is a detailed and practical overview of the enterprise system management facilities, available as part of the Framework Class Library (FCL) of the .NET Framework. While WMI, which is a centerpiece of Microsoft's enterprise management technology, is a fairly well researched topic, .NET system management documentation is scarce and books are non-existent. This book not only acts as a comprehensive and sensible supplement to often inadequate documentation, but also covers some completely overlooked aspects of .NET and WMI programming. After reading .NET System Management Services, .NET software developers and system administrators will possess a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts behind WMI and should be well positioned for rapidly developing custom management tools, often more flexible and powerful than any expensive off-the-shelf software.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 6:02:19 AM | Visits: 34514

English Simplified : Grammar, Punctuation, Mechanics & Spelling, Usage, Paragraphs & Documentation Book: English Grammar Simplified is a complete reference guide for writing.
Sections on grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage make this a comprehensive guide to writing correct and effective sentences and making appropriate word choices. A section on spelling offers both a list of commonly misspelled words and a selection of proven techniques for spelling improvement. "Beyond the Sentence" puts sentence writing into the larger context of paragraphs and also shows methods for outlining ideas before writing. "'Documentation" serves as a concise reference to three widely used styles of documenting sources in research writing: MU, APA, and Chicago.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 6:01:20 AM | Visits: 33628

Forensic DNA Profiling Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology) Book: Royal School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, UK. State-of-the-art advances in identity testing through DNA analysis. Covers PCR-based test systems, direct-phase minisequencing, and more. DNLM: DNA Fingerprinting--methods--laboratory manuals.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 5:59:26 AM | Visits: 35879

SYSTEM 2000 Quick Reference Guide v12 Book: Documents all aspects of the QUEUE language, previously documented in the three volumes of ACCESS and QUEUE languages manuals. Used together with the QUEST language manual, this technical report provides complete information for using the QUEUE facility in SYSTEM 2000 software. Also supports Version 12.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 5:58:29 AM | Visits: 35204

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