Fantasy EBooks
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Below we have listed all the Free Fantasy EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Fantasy EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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Cricket For Dummies Book: ublisher: For Dummies | ISBN: 0470034548 | edition 2007 | PDF | 346 pages | 6,47 mb Whether you�re a weekend cricketer or aspiring armchair expert, Cricket For Dummies helps you make sense of this fascinating sport. Not just a jargon busting guide to cricket�s laws, techniques and tactics, it also contains advice on kitting yourself out and provides lessons on playing the game and improving your batting, bowling and fielding skills. For the budding fan, there�s a guide to the greatest players, the memorable matches, and a tour through the cricketing scene � both domestic and international � giving you the knowledge you need to fully appreciate this special game.
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Chion: Award-winning post-apocalyptic science fiction novel. The country is brought to a standstill by a substance that falls from the sky. It looks like snow, but is deadly to the touch. Recommended for fans of John Wyndham & John Christopher. Date Added: 10/30/2010 4:29:01 AM | Visits: 35098 |
The Sledgehammer Concerto: Three siblings: A mystic, with power to heal the wounds of the soul and dispel the anguish of the dying; A genius, who strove to bring human desire itself to heel, and succeeded beyond her hopes; And a visionary of freedom, whose depictions of courage in the face of oppression brought him a most unpleasant official notice. They huddle in a cabin in the New York woods. The door is open to you. Date Added: 10/30/2010 4:28:27 AM | Visits: 34048 |
The Blood-stained Belt: From poverty and lives as shepherd boys, hating the way that their country is ransacked by enemies, Jina and Sharma become soldiers, learn their trades, progress up the ranks, defeat the enemies and rise to power. However, what seems to be a triumph slides in to tragedy Date Added: 10/30/2010 4:27:50 AM | Visits: 34907 |
Scryer�s Gulch: Magic in the Wild Wild West Ep 1-10: Treasury Agent Annabelle Duniway and her �cat� are undercover, on the trail of a brilliant, twisted spellcaster in a 19th century mining town full of demons, ghosts and werecritters � and one particularly attractive sheriff� Date Added: 10/30/2010 4:26:55 AM | Visits: 34983 |
Worlds Unseen: Maggie Sheffield�s life has been haunted by seemingly disconnected tragedies, pieces that form a puzzle she doesn�t understand. Her confusion about the past mirrors that of her whole world: they�ve been taught that the empire saved them from destruction, but then why does the empire seem bent on enslaving its own people? They�ve been taught that stories of an ancient war, a terrifying enemy, and a majestic king are all myths � but then why are those who try to learn more about them sabotaged or killed? When a dying friend shows up at Maggie�s island home bearing proof that the �myths� are not myths at all, but reality � and that the enemy of the ancient days is coming back, and their only hope of stopping him is in finding the King � Maggie agrees to carry the proof to a scholar on the continent who may be able to help her piece together the truth about her world and the secrets of her own past. Chased by shadow creatures bent on destroying them and reclaiming the proof they carry, Maggie, the Gypsy Nicolas Fisher, and the blind seer Virgina Ramsey journey toward truth, destiny, and revelations that will change their lives forever. Worlds Unseen is the first book in the Seventh World Trilogy.
Click on the link below to start Date Added: 10/30/2010 4:26:22 AM | Visits: 34790 |
All over Again: This short story is what remained from the initial draft of Recycled Souls, and if you have read Recycled Souls, you will be familiar with Elizabeth�s past life experience. In the first draft, Elizabeth met up with Devlin again, when she regressed back across the years. However, when it was time for Elizabeth to come back to the present day, Devlin kept following her. This would have turned Recycled Souls into a paranormal romance. She would have broken up with Jared because she could always feel Devlin with her, and this could have made her relationship with Jared awkward. The problem was how to get rid of Devlin again, without losing the heart of my story. I wanted Recycled Souls to be a simple love story � a story of discovery that even through many lifetimes, many mistakes, and many different choices, we always end up where we were always supposed to be. Date Added: 10/30/2010 4:25:49 AM | Visits: 35310 |
The Gateway (Harbinger of Doom: Volume 1): In The Gateway, Glenn G. Thater transports us to an age of high adventure where knights battle supernatural horrors, magic is real but hidden, and the line between good and evil is all too thin. This first volume in the epic Harbinger of Doom series is certain to delight fantasy fans everywhere. When mad sorcerers open a gateway to the very pits of hell, releasing outre demons of darkest nightmare upon the world, only the intrepid knights of House Eotrus stand in their way. Claradon Eotrus takes up the mantle of his noble house to avenge his father and hold back the tide of chaos that threatens to engulf the world and destroy mankind. Claradon recruits Angle Theta and Gabriel Garn, mysterious knights of mystical power to stand with him. Theta and Garn take up their swords one last time against the coming darkness � a darkness from which only one will emerge. Date Added: 10/30/2010 4:25:21 AM | Visits: 34169 |
Evergreen: A Space-Time Odyssey (or EG):
Free Industry Resources ICS Cleaning Specialist: Is specifically for the professional floor care and service industry.... Global Pensions: With a combination of round table discussions, regular supplements and conferences added to its editorial strength, Global...
Free Industry Resources
ICS Cleaning Specialist: Is specifically for the professional floor care and service...
Global Pensions: With a combination of round table discussions, regular supplements and... Thinks and Things
Thinks and Things
Thinks and Things by Crystal Johnson
Thinks and Things can hear people�s thoughts and turn them into things. However, the world just isn�t ready for a farm of Grandma clones or an introduced to the Durtle. The Fixer repairs the damage the thinks have caused. But when the a fairytale witch escapes to Suburbia and a carousel lion comes to life, the Fixer has to work fast before these things unfold irreversibly, all while tracking down Thinks and Things.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:- Thinks and Things � 103 pages, 417kb (html, javascript, mobi, pdf, rtf, lrf, pdb,)
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October 29th, 2010 | Comments (0) Call of the Herald
Call of the Herald
Call of the Herald by Brian Rathbone
Call of the Herald is book one of The Dawning of Power fantasy trilogy. Echoes of the ancients� power are distant memories, tattered and faded by the passage of eons, but that is about to change. A new dawn has arrived. Latent abilities, harbored in mankind�s deepest fibers, wait to be unleashed. Ancient evils awaken, and old fears ignite the fires of war.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:- Call of the Herald � 204 pages, 305kb (ePub, Mobi, HTML, PDF, txt), Barnes & Noble Nook, Soney eEreader & Audiobook
Items posted here are free at the time of posting. If you find they are no longer free, kindly notify us immediately through our contact form.
October 29th, 2010 | Comments (0) Evergreen: A Space-Time Odyssey (or EG)
Evergreen: A Space-Time Odyssey (or EG)
Evergreen: A Space-Time Odyssey (or EG) by Andrew Scott Ziner
An instant classic- Humanity and Society (5/09) In a world with two suns, a tourmaline moon and evergreen trees 100 feet wide and ten times as tall, prophecy and legend are on a collision course with Kaleija (Kah-lie-ja)a celestial event that occurs once every 1000 years. Because of a rare alignment of the crystalline moon with both suns, the millennial kaleidoscopic event experienced by all animates across the lush and largely untouched landscape will now bring calamity and chaos in its wake. Evergreen, the first volume of an enchanted sociological trilogy, bridges the supernatural with modern technology to provide an unprecedented journey in space and time. Deep within the southern tip of the largest and tallest mountain chain in the land rests a forbidden watery underworld called �Ontawa� by the native Acaba and Jadenbu.It is within these caves that our journey begins. According to legend, whoever leads the Acaba and Jadenbu at the time of Kaleija must travel southeast into Ontawa to encounter the Golem (Go-lum) a planetary life force that briefly awakens prior to Kaleija to deliver a prophecy for all animates of the land.This fate falls on Ro Tan of the Acaba and Lasrus of the Jadenbu. However, when the two leaders and their attendants finally feel the penetrating glower of the colossal figure towering over them, they are not alone. Date Added: 10/30/2010 4:24:44 AM | Visits: 34280 |
Call of the Herald: Call of the Herald is book one of The Dawning of Power fantasy trilogy. Echoes of the ancients� power are distant memories, tattered and faded by the passage of eons, but that is about to change. A new dawn has arrived. Latent abilities, harbored in mankind�s deepest fibers, wait to be unleashed. Ancient evils awaken, and old fears ignite the fires of war. Date Added: 10/30/2010 4:24:09 AM | Visits: 34913 |
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