Miscellaneous EBooks
Free Miscellaneous EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free Miscellaneous EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Miscellaneous EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
To buy an eBook containing 9000 Interview Questions, with Answers, Click Here.
How to Create a Garden Pond: A garden pond, with the right planning and stocked with the right kind of aquatic plants and fish, will be a marvellous asset to your garden, attracting a great many wild animals and eventually becoming a miniature nature reserve. It is possible to have a pond which is self sustaining, requiring only occasional maintenance to keep it in good condition.
Date Added: 10/14/2010 10:27:34 PM | Visits: 33473 |
Assorted Brain-Teasers: This book is a collection of brand new brain-teasers covering various subjects. The book deals with un-common type questions generally found at common places but are not noticed. The questions and answers are so selected that they tease, stimulate and make brain more hungry for such questions and answers
Date Added: 10/13/2010 4:16:43 AM | Visits: 34774 |
Assorted Brain-Teasers: This book is a collection of brand new brain-teasers covering various subjects. The book deals with un-common type questions generally found at common places but are not noticed. The questions and answers are so selected that they tease, stimulate and make brain more hungry for such questions and answers
Date Added: 10/13/2010 4:15:57 AM | Visits: 34669 |
Free Ebook on Wedding Photography: Wedding photography is a major commercial endeavor that supports the bulk of the efforts for many photography studios or independent photographers.With the advent of the digital revolution in photography, today�s contemporary wedding photographer needs to stay abreast of all the latest developments in the industry.
Depending upon the demands of the client, a contemporary wedding photographer will usually need to provide some or all of the following:
* Formal portraiture in the studio (for either the wedding and/or the engagement photos). * Outdoor photography (often at a park, beach or scenic location on the day of the wedding and/or for engagement photos). * Indoor photography at a church, temple or other private venue during the ceremony and reception. * Both posed and candid (photojournalistic) shots of the wedding couple and their guests at the religious or civil ceremony and the reception that follows. * Digital services such as digital prints or slides shows. * Albums (either traditional or the more contemporary flush mount type of album). Date Added: 10/12/2010 12:00:47 AM | Visits: 34049 |
Recipes from Around the World Free Ebook: Wow what a huge list of recipes. With a whooping 505 page ebook, it�s an understatement to just say WOW to this free recipe ebook. The list of recipes alone are listed down in pages, ranging from recipes from Ghana, Sudan, Ethiopia, Morocco, Egypt, Portugal, East Africa, you name it you have it . Gathered from all over the world, this ebook is a great �adventuring� source of recipes for those who wish to try new taste and food both for themselves and for their love ones. Date Added: 10/11/2010 11:33:20 PM | Visits: 33904 |
Feedbooks.com � Public Domain Library: currently still in beta testing as of now, is a complete experience for mobile reading, in which anyone can easily publish content, and customize the formatting. I�ve taken the description straight from their website as I believe no one better can explain their great objectives than Feedbooks themselves. The collection of the ebooks are not in the gigantic proportion, yet, but I guess great things like this will increase at the speed of light. Feedbooks also provides ebooks in various formats, supporting most popular ebook devices. Date Added: 10/11/2010 11:08:52 PM | Visits: 35195 |
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