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Unix shell Operating System EBooks

Free Unix shell Operating System EBooks for Download

Below we have listed all the Free Unix shell Operating System EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Unix shell Operating System EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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Linux on HP Integrity Servers: A System Administrator's Guide Book: This is the only book on the market that covers Linux on HP Itanium systems.HP plans to replace all of their high end, precision architecture systems withItanium systems within the next two years. According to IDC, HP continues tomaintain its long-standing No. 1 position in the rapidly growing Linux servermarket across all server platforms with 31.7 percent customer revenue shareworldwide.This book is divided into two parts. Part 1, Linux System Administration,begins with extensive coverage of booting HP Itanium-based systems. This iscrucial as these systems can run Linux, HP-UX, and Windows Server 2003simultaneously, and because the boot process is substantially different than onprevious systems. Poniatowski also covers the HP Enablement Kit for Linux, aset of tools that provides a framework for installing, configuring, andrecovering a Linux distribution on HP Itanium 2 systems. Finally, Part 1 coversmany additional system administration topics such as startup,

Date Added: 10/30/2010 5:21:10 AM | Visits: 33875

BSD UNIX TOOL BOX Wiley Publishing Book: Whether you use BSD systems every day or just tweak one once in a while, a book that presents efficient ways to use, check, fix, secure, and enhance your system can be an invaluable resource. BSD UNIX Toolbox is that resource. BSD UNIX Toolbox is aimed primarily at BSD power users and systems administrators. To give you what you need, we tell you how to quickly locate and get software, monitor the health and security of your systems, and access network resources. In short, we cut to the most efficient ways of using BSD systems.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 5:20:27 AM | Visits: 32227

GNU Linux Application Programming CHM Book: The history of GNU/Linux is actually two separate stories that came together to produce a world-class operating system. Richard Stallman created an organization to build a UNIX-like operating system. He had tools, a compiler, and a variety of applications, but he lacked a kernel. Linus Torvalds had a kernel, but no tools or applications for which to make it useful. Richard Stallman, the father of open source, began the movement in 1983 with a post to the net.unix-wizards Usenet group soliciting help in the development of a free UNIX-compatible operating system [Stallman83]. Stallman�s vision was the development of a free (as in freedom) UNIX-like operating system whose source was open and available to anyone.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 5:19:41 AM | Visits: 32071

UNIX Internals: A Practical Approach Book: Provides a clear and detailed description of the internals of the UNIX kernel, the interface between the user and the kernel, and how the kernel interacts with the Intel X86 family of CPUs. Based on the SCO versions of the UNIX and SCO OpenServer Release 5, the text contains many practical examples.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 5:18:54 AM | Visits: 33854

UNIX Power Tools, 3rd third 4th Edition O'Reilly CHM Book: If we were writing about any other operating system, "power tools" might mean "nifty add-on utilities to extend the power of your operating system." That sounds suspiciously like a definition of Unix: an operating system loaded with decades' worth of nifty add-on utilities. Unix is unique in that it wasn't designed as a commercial operating system meant to run application programs, but as a hacker's toolset, by and for programmers. In fact, an early release of the operating system went by the name PWB (Programmer's Work Bench). When Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie first wrote Unix at AT&T Bell Labs, it was for their own use and for their friends and coworkers.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 5:18:04 AM | Visits: 33213

Beginning Linux Programming, Fourth Edition (repost) Book: Beginning Linux Programming, Fourth Edition continues its unique approach to teaching UNIX programming in a simple and structured way on the Linux platform. Through the use of detailed and realistic examples, students learn by doing, and are able to move from being a Linux beginner to creating custom applications in Linux. The book introduces fundamental concepts beginning with the basics of writing Unix programs in C, and including material on basic system calls, file I/O, interprocess communication (for getting programs to work together), and shell programming. Parallel to this, the book introduces the toolkits and libraries for working with user interfaces, from simpler terminal mode applications to X and GTK+ for graphical user interfaces. Advanced topics are covered in detail such as processes, pipes, semaphores, socket programming, using MySQL, writing applications for the GNOME or the KDE desktop, writing device drivers, POSIX Threads, and kernel programming for the latest Linux Kernel.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 5:17:19 AM | Visits: 32798

PANIC! UNIX System Crash Dump Analysis Handbook Book: Designed as an introduction to UNIX system crash dump analysis, this is the first book to discuss in detail UNIX system panics, crashes and hangs, their causes, what to do when they occur, how to collect information about them, how to analyze that information, and how to get the problem resolved. KEY TOPICS: Part One covers theory and tools. Part Two looks inside UNIX, from the header files to hardware tape drives. Part Three provides actual case studies of software, hardware, data, and system fault problems. For systems and network administrators and technical support engineers responsible for maintaining UNIX computer systems and networks.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 5:16:34 AM | Visits: 33576

VB Shell Programming Book: Windows users will use the shell extensions on your desktop every day, but understand what they are and how to program with them can be difficult, and until now anyway, usually using Visual C + + required. Is filled with expert knowledge of the underlying Windows shell COM objects, Visual Basic Shell Programming, everything you need to write shell-enabled applications that look professional, as well as rival the functionality of programs written in C + + to be written.
First and foremost, this text is effectively a reference to all COM objects and APIs, programming with the Windows shell to be successful requires packaged. Each section is organized by theme, with an explanation of what kind of functionality you can add, and then all the COM objects, methods and constants that you need to use in VB, along with sample code. For many of the examples, a custom file extension (. Rad) shows how to integrate this file on your desktop and expand what they can do within the Windows desktop.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 5:15:57 AM | Visits: 34119

Debian GNU/ Linux Bible Book: Free operating systems are not a new concept in the computer world,. (The academic versions of UNIX, Slackware, and FreeBSD come to mind.) Then a student of the University of Helsinki, Linus Torvalds announced in 1991 that he had created a very experimental operating system core called a kernel, based on a clone of UNIX called Minux. This new operating system kernel later became known as Linux. Torvolds chose this UNIX variant because of the well-respected stability, design and functionality of the UNIX operating system developed by Bell Laboratories.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 5:15:03 AM | Visits: 31933

Panic! UNIX System Crash Dump Analysis Prentice Hall PTR CHM Book: If you are already a UNIX guru, this book might show you a few things you didn't already know, but not much more. Conversely, if you have never heard of UNIX before, you'll probably run into trouble beyond the first few chapters. However, if you have a good working knowledge of UNIX, maybe a couple years as a system administrator or support engineer, this book is for you. Since we'll be working with SPARC� assembly language and the C programming language, any programming skills you have will be useful while you read this book. However, we understand that not every system administrator is an experienced programmer. We have done our best to help those of you who have yet to gain those skills.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 5:14:09 AM | Visits: 32079

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