Digital Signal Processing EBooks
Free Digital Signal Processing EBooks for Download
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RF and Digital Signal Processing for Software-Defined Radio: A Multi-Standard Multi-Mode Approach: "Software-defined radio (SDR) is the hottest area of RF/wireless design, and this title describes SDR concepts, theory, and design principles from the perspective of the signal processing (both on transmission and reception) performed by a SDR system. After an introductory overview of essential SDR concepts, this book examines waveform creation, analog signal processing, digital signal processing, data conversion, phase-locked loops, SDR algorithms, and SDR hardware design. The various trade-offs at each of these design stages are discussed in detail. Date Added: 3/7/2011 11:38:24 PM | Visits: 32252 |
Digital Signal Processing: An Introduction with MATLAB and Applications: In three parts, this book contributes to the advancement of engineering education and that serves as a general reference on digital signal processing. Part I presents the basics of analog and digital signals and systems in the time and frequency domain. It covers the core topics: convolution, transforms, filters, and random signal analysis. It also treats important applications including signal detection in noise, radar range estimation for airborne targets, binary communication systems, channel estimation, banking and financial applications, and audio effects production. Part II considers selected signal processing systems and techniques. Core topics covered are the Hilbert transformer, binary signal transmission, phase-locked loops, sigma-delta modulation, noise shaping, quantization, adaptive filters, and non-stationary signal analysis. Part III presents some selected advanced DSP topics. Date Added: 3/7/2011 11:38:02 PM | Visits: 33540 |
Signal Processing for Digital Communications: Digital signal processing is a fundamental aspect of communications engineering that all practitioners need to understand. Engineers are looking for guidance in system design, simulation, analysis, and applications to help them tackle their projects with greater speed and efficiency. Now, this critical knowledge can be found in this single, exhaustive resource. Based on the author's extensive research and industry experience, the book presents an up-to-date and comprehensive treatment of all aspects of digital, multirate, adaptive, and statistical signal processing technologies. The book offers detailed examples and describes numerous time-saving algorithms and their implementation methods. Packed with over 1520 equations and more than 200 illustrations, this invaluable reference helps today's communications engineers master a wide range of key topics that are essential to their work in the field. Date Added: 3/7/2011 11:37:37 PM | Visits: 32958 |
Advanced Digital Signal Processing and Noise Reduction, Fourth Edition: Digital signal processing plays a central role in the development of modern communication and information processing systems. The theory and application of signal processing is concerned with the identification, modelling and utilisation of patterns and structures in a signal process. The observation signals are often distorted, incomplete and noisy and therefore noise reduction, the removal of channel distortion, and replacement of lost samples are important parts of a signal processing system. The fourth edition of Advanced Digital Signal Processing and Noise Reduction updates and extends the chapters in the previous edition and includes two new chapters on MIMO systems, Correlation and Eigen analysis and independent component analysis. The wide range of topics covered in this book include Wiener filters, echo cancellation, channel equalisation, spectral estimation, detection and removal of impulsive and transient noise, interpolation of missing data segments, speech enhancement and noise/interference in mobile communication environments. This book provides a coherent and structured presentation of the theory and applications of statistical signal processing and noise reduction methods. Date Added: 3/7/2011 11:37:15 PM | Visits: 33235 |
Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Approach: Modern coverage of the fundamentals, implementation and applications of digital signal processing techniques from a practical point of view. The past ten years has seen a significant growth in DSP applications throughout all areas of technology and this growth is expected well into the next millennium. This successful textbook covers most aspects of DSP found in undergraduate electrical, electronic or communications engineering courses. Unlike many other texts, it also covers a number of DSP techniques which are of particular relevance to industry such as adaptive filtering and multirate processing. The emphasis throughout the book is on the practical aspects of DSP. Date Added: 3/7/2011 11:34:56 PM | Visits: 34188 |
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