Project EBooks
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Project management for business, engineering, and technology: principles and practice, by John Nicholas Book: Project Management for Business, Engineering and Technology, 3rd edition is a direct response to the ever-increasing need for better project management. First covering the essential background, from origins and philosophy to methodology, the main bulk of the book is dedicated to the concepts and techniques of practical application, including project initiation and proposals, scope and task definition, scheduling, budgeting, risk analysis, control, project organization and all-important "people" aspects--project leadership, team building, conflict resolution and stress management. The Systems Development Cycle is used as a framework to discuss project management in a variety of situations, making this the go-to book for managing virtually any kind of project, program or task force. Focusing on projects as goal-oriented systems of interrelated components functioning in a larger environment, the book targets the ultimate purpose of project management--to unify and integrate the interests, resources and work efforts of many stakeholders, as well as schedules, budgets, and plans, to accomplish the overall project goal. Date Added: 10/29/2010 6:19:18 AM | Visits: 34765 |
MCADMCSD Self Paced Training Kit Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual Basic NET and Microsoft Visual C NET Book: MCAD/MCSD Training Kit�Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual C# .NET. .NET is a new Microsoft technology that offers new application frameworks such as Web services, ASP.NET, WinForms, and ADO.NET. This revolutionary component technology simplifies development and deployment of components. By completing the lessons and exercises in this book, you will be able to build XML Web services and server components. This book also addresses the objectives of the Microsoft Certified Professional Exam 70-310 and Exam 70-320. mediafire Date Added: 10/29/2010 6:15:24 AM | Visits: 34015 |
Creating Spreadsheets and Charts in Microsoft Excel 2007 for Windows: Visual Quick Project Guide Book: Microsoft Excel is the world's most-popular spreadsheet program--used by schools, offices, and home users. In Excel 2007, Microsoft has completely redesigned the user interface, making it more intuitive and more attractive. But anyone needing to get started quickly without learning all the ins and outs of the software still needs a handy guide. And with Creating Spreadsheets and Charts in Microsoft Excel 2007: Visual QuickProject Guide they've got one. Excel expert Maria Langer walks readers through the new interface and teaches them the tools they will use throughout the project. From there, she helps them create their first workbook, using formulas, adding formatting, adding a visually rich chart. Date Added: 10/29/2010 6:13:54 AM | Visits: 32146 |
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