Religion EBooks
Free Religion EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free Religion EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Religion EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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A Young Folks' History of the Church: Novel from Mormon teacher Nephi Anderson, considered to be one of the most prominent fiction writers of the "Home Literature" period in Mormon Literature.
Date Added: 10/14/2010 11:15:43 PM | Visits: 33218 |
Freedom from Religious Bondage: True religion is the practice of the presence of God in one�s life. There is no greater demonstration of faith than a man who walks with God in the good times and even in the bad times; a man tempered by trials, strengthened by His grace and devoted to humility. But what happens when religion has become a by word for an institution rather than a walk of faith or a pilgrimage with God?
Date Added: 10/14/2010 12:21:12 AM | Visits: 33158 |
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion: The book is primarily concerned with the possibility of natural religion�that is, of the possibility of religious belief based on reason rather than on revelation.
Date Added: 10/14/2010 12:14:08 AM | Visits: 32137 |
Codex Junius 11: This book is taken from the same manuscript as Cynewulf, the Junius 11 poems-Genesis, Exodus, Daniel, and Christ and Satan-comprise a series of redacted Old English works that have been traditionally presented as the work of Bede's Caedmon.Apart from its focus on the Junius 11 manuscript, this collection of essays is also important as a study of how to read, edit, and define any medieval literary text.
Date Added: 10/13/2010 11:57:25 PM | Visits: 31539 |
A Treatise on Good Works: The first and highest, the most precious of all good works is faith in Christ, as He says, John vi. When the Jews asked Him: "What shall we do that we may work the works of God?" He answered: "This is the work of God, that ye believe on Him Whom He hath sent." When we hear or preach this word, we hasten over it and deem it a very little thing and easy to do, whereas we ought here to pause a long time and to ponder it well. For in this work all good works must be done and receive from it the inflow of their goodness, like a loan. This we must put bluntly, that men may understand it. Date Added: 10/13/2010 11:47:16 PM | Visits: 32103 |
4 Reasons Why Jesus Must Return: Christians believe that Jesus Christ will return. The question is: Why is he going to return?
Date Added: 10/13/2010 11:45:10 PM | Visits: 33284 |
123 What Are Christians Fighting For?: Short eBook examining war from a New Testament (New Covenant) viewpoint. Also looks into the perspectives of the Apostles and the early church, and examines the changes that occurred in Christendom under the Roman Emperor Constantine. Concludes by reflecting on today's situation, both politically and within evangelical churches. Date Added: 10/13/2010 11:43:37 PM | Visits: 33405 |
The Tolerance of Hinduism Free Ebook: A highly inspirational story about a man who has only a few months to live, and his desire to learn about the doctrine of Reincarnation, Karma, Dharma, and the spiritual path of love and devotion. Date Added: 10/11/2010 6:21:48 AM | Visits: 32143 |
La Grande Synthese et the Parfait /bonheur: La synth�se g�n�rale des choses �tablit l'harmonie qui existe entre la philosophie, la logique, l'univers et la V�rit� ins�r�e par Dieu lui-m�me dans les Saintes �critures.
Qui que vous soyez, vous pouvez �tre heureux en cette vie et parfaitement heureux d�s la mort pour toute l'�ternit�. Ce n'est pas une utopie comme cela peut para�t, mais une ind�niable r�alit�. Vous vous en rendrez compte rien qu'� croire � l'�vangile de J�sus-Christ (Matthieu 6:19 � 34). Tel est le but de ce message �vang�lique que Nuntii Felicitatis a la mission de pr�senter, mission d�volue aussi � tous ceux et celles qui, suivant 'Matthieu 5:1 � 12 et 28:20', veulent et agissent.
Qu'existe-t-il de plus pr�cieux qu'on puisse poss�der? Une sant� robuste? Une fortune �norme? Il y a bien mieux sans quoi toute fortune et tout bien-�tre vaudraient peu de chose. Il s'agit ici d'un tr�sor qui r�alise le plus grand id�al qui soit jamais, tant du point de vue mat�riel et temporel que du point de vue spirituel et �ternel.
La Bible est un livre tr�s recherch� mais aussi m�pris�; c'est peut-�tre pourquoi on a pu trouver dans les poubelles cet exemplaire de HARPER & BROTHERS PUBLISHERS, N-Y, dont le Copyright date de 1843. Ici, l'image de cette Bible tr�ne au dessus de celle du livre qui a la mission de faire ressortir sa divine origine et son inappr�ciable tr�sor. Puisque seule la foi absolue en la parole de Dieu fructifie nos efforts, puisque seule l'assistance de la gr�ce produit cette foi, que dans l'�laboration de ce Message, dans son �mission comme dans sa r�ception, la gr�ce du Seigneur J�sus-Christ, l'amour de Dieu le P�re et la lumi�re du Saint-Esprit nous accompagnent tous! Date Added: 7/19/2010 | Visits: 32903 |
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