Red Hat Operating System EBooks
Free Red Hat Operating System EBooks for Download
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SEP sesam & Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 for Backup Systems: VB selected SEP sesam backup and recovery software running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 to secure its decentralized databases. The combination of SEP sesam and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 offered an affordable, flexible solution that gave VVB the ability to benefit from the reliable updates offered through Red Hat�s subscription model. In August 2005, a team of VVB network and database specialists and SEP administrators began implementation of the company�s new backup and recovery system. The company had prior experience with Red Hat solutions and determined that the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 platform would provide additional cost savings and performance benefits. After a smooth implementation of SEP sesam, the company migrated to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 in early 2007. Date Added: 10/29/2010 5:38:08 AM | Visits: 31495 |
Mastering Red Hat Linux: Red Hat Certifications There are now two Red Hat certification exams. The Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) exam is fairly well known as an elite �hands-on�exam. At the beginning of2003, Red Hat also released an exam for newer Linux users, the Red Hat Certified Technician (RHCT) exam. The RHCE exam tests more than just knowledge. It tests your competence as a Linux administrator. During the exam, you�re put in front ofa computer with realistic problems that you have to debug. You are asked to install Red Hat Linux and a number ofservices, with challenging specifications. Date Added: 10/29/2010 5:30:46 AM | Visits: 32539 |
Red Hat Linux Networking and System Administration: Red Hat Linux is the most popular distribution of Linux currently in use. Red Hat Linux has shown itself to be a robust, reliable operating system that can run on a variety of hardware, from personal computers to large mainframes. Linux in general, and Red Hat Linux in particular, is a very powerful operating system that can be used at the enterprise level as a full-fledged server, as well as at the workstation level for typical user applications. For those of us dissatisfied with the reliability of other commercially available operating systems, Red Hat Linux is a pleasant alternative. Date Added: 10/29/2010 5:03:54 AM | Visits: 31382 |
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