IT Book EBooks
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Indian Electronic Industry: Electronics and Information Technology is the fastest growing segment of Indian industry both in terms of production and exports. Today, the electronics industry is completely delicensed with the exception of aerospace and defence electronics, and alongwith the liberalization in foreign investment and export-import policies of the entire economy, this sector is attracting considerable interest not only as a vast market but also as potential production base by international companies. Date Added: 11/7/2006 | Visits: 33640 |
Information Security Management System (BS 7799/ISO 17799): Information Security Management ( BS 7799/ ISO 17799)
STQC provides following services, with an objective to verify and validate client's IT infrastructure for compliance with the IT security requirements and to assist them in improving and complying with BS 7799 requirements. Date Added: 11/7/2006 | Visits: 37119 |
Information Technology Outsourcing: Information-technology-outsourcing.co.in provides full service Information Technology outsourcing solutions to clients across the globe. Our objective is to empower you with cost-effective standard and scalable customized software solutions in .Net, Java/J2EE, C++, XML, and Wireless/ Mobile technologies. Date Added: 11/7/2006 | Visits: 36236 |
Information Technology Division: Welcome to the University of Memphis Information Technology Division. It is our task to implement, monitor, and maintain information technology such as the campus data network, telephone system, computer systems, computer labs, and servers at the University of Memphis. Additionally, we offer centralized support, training, and consulting concerning information technology to the campus community. Date Added: 11/7/2006 | Visits: 34078 |
Information Technology Careers and Information: Information technology, IT is usually involved in the context of a business and is often used to automate manual tasks as well as improve efficiencies within an organisation. By involving computer systems, IT has helped industry reach new markets and apply new services to customers and clients. Date Added: 11/7/2006 | Visits: 34939 |
Information Tecchnology Consulting : Project Management, Information Technology Consulting, Information Technology Staffing, Project Staffing, Contract Programming, Contract Consultants as well as Direct Hire and Information Technology Recruiting. Date Added: 11/7/2006 | Visits: 33962 |
Providing Technology to the KU Community: KU Information Technology (IT) offers an extensive array of technologies and services to the KU community. From email to internet, web-based academic and administrative systems, to software and virus protection, IT delivers innovative services in support of learning, scholarship, and creative endeavor at KU Date Added: 11/7/2006 | Visits: 32814 |
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