Media EBooks
Free Media EBooks for Download
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New Media: A Critical Introduction: | 464 pages | PDF | 10,6 MB "New Media: A Critical Introduction" is a comprehensive introduction to the culture, history, technologies and theories of new media. Written . Date Added: 10/29/2010 6:05:11 AM | Visits: 35112 |
Adventures with Impossible Figures: and Oscar Reutersvärd. Summary: More than entertainment Rating: 5 To many books on impossible figures are mere entertainment. This one offers a preamble to get the reader/viewer . Date Added: 10/29/2010 6:03:17 AM | Visits: 33347 |
Handbook of Spanish Language Media: PDF | 1,5 MB With the rise of Spanish language media around the world, no reference work is available that provides an overview of the field or its emerging issues. The Handbook .. Date Added: 10/29/2010 5:57:30 AM | Visits: 31853 |
The Art of Videogames: between games and earlier artistic and entertainment media, how videogames allow for interactive fiction, the role of game narrative, and the moral status of Date Added: 10/29/2010 5:56:56 AM | Visits: 33081 |
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