IT Book EBooks
Free IT Book EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free IT Book EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any IT Book EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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Information Retrieval Interaction: The aims of the book are to establish a unifying scientific approach to IR � a synthesis based on the concept of IR interaction and the Cognitive Viewpoint; to present research and developments in the field of information retrieval based on a new categorisation; and to generate a consolidated framework of functional requirements for intermediary analysis and design � the Mediator Model. Date Added: 7/19/2006 | Visits: 33401 |
Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms: Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms is available free online. This book is divided into six parts as Data Compression, Noisy-Channel Coding, Further Topics in Information Theory, Probabilities and Inference, Neural networks, Sparse Graph Codes. Date Added: 7/19/2006 | Visits: 32584 |
Underground: Underground: Tales of hacking, madness and obsession on the electronic frontier can be downloaded in variety of formats. Date Added: 7/19/2006 | Visits: 32788 |
Media Ownership and Democracy in the Digital Information Age: Media Ownership and Democracy in the Digital Information Age combines a detailed review of First Amendment jurisprudence with rigorous economic analysis to demonstrate the continuing need for structural limits on media ownership to promote democratic discourse. Date Added: 7/19/2006 | Visits: 32212 |
The Psychology of Cyberspace: This hypertext book explores the psychological aspects of environments created by computers and online networks. It presents an evolving conceptual framework for understanding how people react to and behave within cyberspace: what I call 'the psychology of cyberspace' - or simply 'cyberpsychology.' Continually being revised and expanded, this hypertext book originally was created in January of 1996. See the article index which indicates the articles most recently added and revised. Date Added: 7/19/2006 | Visits: 34294 |
The Virtual Community: 'The Virtual Community,' even though a more accurate title might be: 'People who use computers to communicate, form friendships that sometimes form the basis of communities, but you have to be careful to not mistake the tool for the task and think that just writing words on a screen is the same thing as real community Date Added: 7/19/2006 | Visits: 33883 |
Computers as Tutors: Solving the Crisis in Education: In Computers As Tutors: Solving The Crisis In Education, Frederick Bennett lays out the difficulties that are present in contemporary American education and reveals why the millions of newly added computers in schools have been largely ineffectual. It is available online for free. Date Added: 7/19/2006 | Visits: 34126 |
Research Strategies: Finding Your Way Through the Information Fog: Research Strategies: Finding Your Way Through the Information Fog is a textbook in informational research for students in higher education. Topics include Taking Charge, Databases, Information Fog, Periodical Maze, Internet Research, Other Resources, Case Studies, Learning to Read, Organizing Notes and Research Writing. Date Added: 7/19/2006 | Visits: 34627 |
Image Processing Fundamentals: This free online book covers the following topics: Digital Image Definitions, Tools, Perception, Image Sampling, Noise, Cameras, Displays, Algorithms and Techniques. Date Added: 7/19/2006 | Visits: 32205 |
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