Tutorials EBooks
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MEMORY BASICS WORKSHOP : Everything you always wanted to know about memory in this Flash presentation.(Tutorial by easy Steps) Date Added: 7/20/2006 | Visits: 33745 |
The Little Book of Semaphores: The Little Book of Semaphores is a free (in both senses of the word) textbook that introduces the principles of synchronization for concurrent programming. Date Added: 7/19/2006 | Visits: 32096 |
Linux command line terminology - 2.3 : What's a shell? Or a command prompt? An introduction to the Linux command line and shell, intended for Linux newbies who know absolutely nothing about the command line. Learn what is the command line and shell, how to get started with the command line, and what are virtual terminals and terminal emulators. Date Added: 7/18/2006 | Visits: 34031 |
Moving around in the Linux file system - 2.1: The very basics of navigating at the Linux command line. Learn how to move from directory to another with cd, how to find out what directory you're in with pwd, and how to list the contents of a directory with ls. You'll also learn what are absolute and relative path names. Date Added: 7/18/2006 | Visits: 34082 |
About your files on Linux: What you need to know about the files on your Linux system. Learn how Linux treats file names, what are hidden files and directories, and how to use the file command to determine the type of a file. Date Added: 7/18/2006 | Visits: 34254 |
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