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Mechanical Engineeering EBooks

Free Mechanical Engineeering EBooks for Download

Below we have listed all the Free Mechanical Engineeering EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Mechanical Engineeering EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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Mechanical System Dynamics: This textbook gives a clear and thorough presentation of the fundamental principles of mechanical systems and their dynamics. It provides both the theory and applications of mechanical systems in an intermediate theoretical level, ranging from the basic concepts of mechanics, constraint and multibody systems over dynamics of hydraulic systems and power transmission systems to machine dynamics and robotics. The book aims at practicing engineers and graduate and advanced undergraduate students in mechanical engineering and mechanics. The concept of the book is mainly determined by the experiences of the author.

Date Added: 3/3/2011 9:23:40 PM | Visits: 31977

Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings, Eleventh Edition: For more than half a century, this book has been a fixture in architecture and construction firms the world over. Twice awarded the AIA's Citation for Excellence in International Architecture Book Publishing, Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings is recognized for its comprehensiveness, clarity of presentation, and timely coverage of new design trends and technologies. Addressing mechanical and electrical systems for buildings of all sizes, it provides design guidelines and detailed design procedures for each topic covered. Thoroughly updated to cover the latest technologies, new and emerging design trends, and relevant codes, this latest edition features more than 2,200 illustrations--200 new to this edition--and a companion Website with additional resources.

Date Added: 3/3/2011 9:22:48 PM | Visits: 34904

Using Finite Elements in Mechanical Design: This book takes a unique look at the practicalities of modelling and designing with commercial software. For ease of use, a step-by-step approach is adopted to describe the analysis process, with a series of test cases and real engineering problems used as illustrations. Commercial software is increasingly used to demonstrate the application of finite element theory and this book reflects this approach. Topics examined include the historical development of finite element theory, structural mechanics and the development of finite element characteristics

Date Added: 3/3/2011 9:22:02 PM | Visits: 32480

Machine Elements in Mechanical Design,4 Ed: Using the most up-to-date information, this book provides a practical approach to designing machine elements in the context of complete mechanical design.Covering some of the primary machine elements such as belt drives, chain drives, gears, shafts, keys, couplings, seals, and rolling contact bearings. It also covers plain surface bearings, linear motion elements, fasteners, springs, machine frames, bolted connections, welded joints, electric motors, controls, clutches, and brakes.This book is for any individual design professional for which a practical approach to mechanical design, based on sound engineering principles, is desired.

Date Added: 3/3/2011 9:21:31 PM | Visits: 32314

High-Security Mechanical Locks: An Encyclopedic Reference: High-Security Mechanical Locks comprehensively surveys and explains the highly technical area of high security locks in a way that is accessible to a wide audience. Well over 100 different locks are presented, organized into 6 basic types. Each chapter introduces the necessary concepts in a historical perspective and further categorizes the locks. This is followed by detailed ";how it works"; descriptions with many pictures, diagrams and references. The descriptions are based on actual dissections of the real locks. The scope is limited to key operated mechanical locks, thus keyless combination locks and digital locks are not covered. The book does not deal with routine locksmithing topics such as installation and servicing of locks. The sensitive area of picking and bypassing of locks is dealt with only at a high level without giving detailed information that would be unacceptable in the wrong hands.

Date Added: 3/3/2011 9:21:06 PM | Visits: 31723

Mechanical Engineers' Handbook: Materials and Mechanical Design,3 Ed (Vol.1): Mechanical Engineers' Handbook has a long tradition as a single resource of valuable information related to specialty areas in the diverse industries and job functions in which mechanical engineers work. This Third Edition, the most aggressive revision to date, goes beyond the straight data, formulas, and calculations provided in other handbooks and focuses on authoritative discussions, real-world examples, and insightful analyses while covering more topics than in previous editions.

Book 1: Materials and Mechanical Design is divided into two parts that go hand-in-hand. The first part covers metals, plastics, composites, ceramics, and smart materials, providing expert advice on common uses of specific materials as well as what criteria qualify them as suitable for particular applications. Coverage in the second part of this book addresses practical techniques to solve real, everyday problems, including:

- Nondestructive testing
- Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
- TRIZ (the Russian acronym for Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)
- The Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data (STEP)
- Virtual reality

Date Added: 3/3/2011 9:20:01 PM | Visits: 33837

Principles and Practice of Mechanical Ventilation, 2nd Edition: Up-to-the minute, rigorous coverage that addresses every important scientific, clinical and technical aspect of the field. 70 well-organized chapters encompassing the full scope of mechanical ventilation, including the physical basis of mechanical ventilation; conventional, alternative, noninvasive, and unconventional methods of ventilator support; complications and airway management; ethics and economics

Date Added: 3/3/2011 9:19:05 PM | Visits: 32229

Understanding Mechanical Ventilation: This book will familiarize not only physicians but also nurses and respiratory therapists with the concepts that underlie mechanical ventilation. A conscious attempt has been made to emphasize medical physiology throughout the book, in order to specifically address the how`s and why`s of mechanical ventilation. At the same time the book incorporates the current strategies for the mechanical ventilation of patients with specific disorders; this should be of some use to the specialists practicing in their respective ICUs.

Date Added: 3/3/2011 9:18:20 PM | Visits: 31868

Mechanical Vibrations: This analysis of dynamic stresses on rotational machines such as helicopters and piston engines explains the main dynamic phenomena and how they can be observed in reality as well as information on the modeling methods required to understand the dynamic phenomena and develop solutions capable of eliminating the most serious effects.

PW: misterdanger

Date Added: 3/3/2011 9:17:10 PM | Visits: 33354

Mechanical Trading Systems: Pairing Trader Psychology with Technical Analysis: A wide variety of flexible trading systems that combine sophisticated technical analysis with trading psychology theory
Mechanical Trading Systems examines the development process for choosing and using mechanical trading systems in conjunction with trader psychology. This book discusses the advantages and disadvantages of mechanical trading systems; the dangers in system development and how to avoid them; the optimal methods for back-testing trading systems; position sizing and other risk quantification tools; and methods of improving rates of return on investments without significantly increasing risk. Most importantly, through a detailed examination of various types of unsuccessful trader personality traits (e.g., fearfulness, greed, and impatience), the book recommends different types of trading systems for a diverse array of trader types.

Richard L. Weissman (Port Richey, FL) has seventeen years' experience as a trader and developer of trading systems. He currently provides independent consultation an d training services to traders and risk management professionals in the areas of technical analysis, risk management, and trader psychology.

Date Added: 3/3/2011 9:16:35 PM | Visits: 33182

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