3D Max and Graphics EBooks
Free 3D Max and Graphics EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free 3D Max and Graphics EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any 3D Max and Graphics EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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Lynda.com- After Effects CS5 Principles of Motion Graphics: After Effects: Principles of Motion Graphics with Ian Robinson covers some of the core principles used to create motion graphics, breaking them down into smaller groups of applied techniques in After Effects. The course explores everything from gathering inspiration to integrating traditional typography, transitional elements, animated textures, color, and more into motion graphics. Instructions for building a toolkit with templates and a style guide for future projects are also included. Exercise files accompany the course.
Topics include:
* Converting type from Photoshop and Illustrator * Creating shapes from text * Using markers in animation * Editing techniques for graphics * Using type presets * Animating type * Exploring color correction tools * Building animated textures * Creating custom vignettes * Understanding Lights and Material settings * Adding dynamic transitions * Rigging cameras for animation * Working efficiently in 3D space Date Added: 3/4/2011 11:24:29 PM | Visits: 33931 |
Lynda.com - Motion Principles of Motion Graphics: In Motion: Principles of Motion Graphics, Ian Robinson shares the core concepts and techniques used to create real-world motion graphic elements in Apple Motion. The course starts with finding the initial inspiration for a project and then covers how to bring those ideas to life using the tools in Motion, including type treatments, filters, textures, and lighting. Two projects demonstrating how to animate a title sequence and how to assemble a graphics package are also included. Exercise files accompany the course.
Topics include:
* Shortcuts for previewing and setting type * Using type as a design element * Creating dynamic transitions * Creating and using color palettes * Working with particles to create depth * Adding details with lighting * Integrating audio in a project * Editing techniques * Animating a lower 3rd * Animating and styling a map * Building a storyboard Date Added: 3/4/2011 11:23:57 PM | Visits: 32729 |
Computer Graphics and Geometric Modelling (Implementation & Algorithms): Possibly the most comprehensive overview of computer graphics as seen in the context of geometric modeling, this two volume work covers implementation and theory in a thorough and systematic fashion. Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling: Implementation and Algorithms covers the computer graphics part of the field of geometric modeling and includes all the standard computer graphics topics. The first part deals with basic concepts and algorithms and the main steps involved in displaying photorealistic images on a computer. The second part covers curves and surfaces and a number of more advanced geometric modeling topics including intersection algorithms, distance algorithms, polygonizing curves and surfaces, trimmed surfaces, implicit curves and surfaces, offset curves and surfaces, curvature, geodesics, blending etc. The third part touches on some aspects of computational geometry and a few special topics such as interval analysis and finite element methods. The volume includes two companion programs. Date Added: 3/4/2011 11:22:33 PM | Visits: 31953 |
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