Python EBooks
Free Python EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free Python EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Python EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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Thinking in Python: This is not an introductory Python book. This book assumes you've learned the basics of Python elsewhere.
Date Added: 1/31/2005 | Visits: 35280 |
Dive Into Python: The first thing you need to do with Python is install it. Or do you? If you're using an account on a hosted server, your ISP may have already installed Python. Most popular Linux distributions come with Python in the default install. Mac OS X 10.2 and later includes a command-line version of Python, although you'll probably want to install a version that includes a more Mac-like graphical interface. Windows does not come with any version of Python. But don't despair! There are several ways to point-and-click your way to Python on Windows.
Date Added: 1/31/2005 | Visits: 34617 |
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python: This book owes its existence to the collaboration made possible by the Internet and the free software movement. Its three authors a college professor, a high school teacher, and a professional programmer have yet to meet face to face, but we have been able to work closely together and have been aided by many wonderful folks who have donated their time and energy to helping make this book better. We think this book is a testament to the benefits and future possibilities of this kind of collaboration, the framework for which has been put in place by Richard Stallman and the Free Software Foundation.
Date Added: 1/31/2005 | Visits: 35838 |
A byte of Python: A Byte of Python is a book on programming using the Python language. It serves as a tutorial or guide to the Python language for anyone. If all you know is how to save text files, then this is an ideal beginner's book for you. If you are an expert programmer who loves C, Perl, Java or C#, you can also learn Python using this book.
Date Added: 1/31/2005 | Visits: 33951 |
GUI Programming with Python: This is the first book on Python and Qt. There have been quite a few books on C++ and Qt, but you would need to be fairly adept at mentally searching and replacing C++ language constructs to be able to use those books for pleasure and profit if your chosen language is Python. The same holds for the extensive html documentation that comes with the C++ Qt library. With the growing popularity of Python, PyQt and BlackAdder, people will start using these tools who don't want to translate C++ to Python to figure out what they are supposed to do. This is the first group of people for whom I've written this book: beginning software developers who have chosen Python because it allows them to become productive quickly with a language and an environment that have been designed to accommodate �subject specialists'. That is, people who need to get an application done to help them with their work, but who are not developers by profession.
Date Added: 1/31/2005 | Visits: 35597 |
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