Chemical engineering books. EBooks
Free Chemical engineering books. EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free Chemical engineering books. EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Chemical engineering books. EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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Bioethanol: Science and technology of fuel alcohol: Biofuels play significant roles in decarbonisation of our future energy needs and act to mitigate deleterious impacts of greenhouse gas emissions. Bioethanol - fermentation-derived fuel alcohol - is the world�s leading transportation biofuel and is currently produced from cereal and sugarcane feedstocks. However, the future lies with more sustainable fermentation substrates, including bio-wastes from agriculture and woody biomass.
Date Added: 9/7/2012 4:00:08 PM | Visits: 33783 |
Chemical Thermodynamics: This study guide deals with the application of thermodynamics to the description of the properties of materials. It covers the qualitative behavior of single and multicomponent mixtures, including vapor-liquid, liquid-liquid, and solid-liquid phase equilibria. It also explains the use of activity coefficient models and equations of state for the quantitative prediction of phase behavior and chemical reaction equilibria. The guide assumes a prior basic understanding of first and second laws of thermodynamics and multivariate calculus.
Date Added: 9/7/2012 3:59:40 PM | Visits: 33039 |
Essentials of Chemistry: Atoms, chemical bonds and chemical compounds, chemical reaction kinetics, chemical equilibria, acid and base theory and electrochemistry � all of this is presented in a straightforward way helping students getting an overview and solid understanding of fundamental and applied chemistry. A large number of graphical illustrations and concrete examples help learning. The compendium covers basic concepts and theory corresponding to first years of university teaching in inorganic and general chemistry; all in one compendium!
Date Added: 9/7/2012 3:58:04 PM | Visits: 33106 |
Fundamentals of Chemistry: This book is about fundamental concepts that any chemistry student should not only be aware of but proficient at. This book deals with the states of matter, the mole, the shapes of molecules, the elements and their properties in the periodic table, the electronic structure of the elements and includes many numerical examples to apply the newly-learned concepts. Solutions to the exercises will be provided in the second volume of �Fundamental of Chemistry�.
Date Added: 9/7/2012 3:57:13 PM | Visits: 33288 |
Engineering Mathematics: The new ebook "Engineering Mathematics: YouTube Workbook� takes learning to a new level by combining free written lessons with free online video tutorials. Each section within the workbook is linked to a video lesson on YouTube where the author discusses and solves problems step-by-step.
Date Added: 9/7/2012 3:48:54 PM | Visits: 33676 |
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