PHP EBooks
Free PHP EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free PHP EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any PHP EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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PHP & MySQL For Dummies: Here's what Web designers need to know to create dynamic, database-driven Web sites To be on the cutting edge, Web sites need to serve up HTML, CSS, and products specific to the needs of different customers using different browsers. An effective e-commerce site gathers information about users and provides information they need to get the desired result.
PHP scripting language with a MySQL back-end database offers an effective way to design sites that meet these requirements. This full updated 4th Edition of PHP & MySQL For Dummies gets you quickly up to speed, even if your experience is limited. Date Added: 7/22/2011 5:57:00 AM | Visits: 32665 |
Advanced PHP Programming: Over the past three years PHP has evolved from being a niche language used to add dynamic functionality to small sites to a powerful tool making strong inroads into large scale, business critical Web systems. The rapid maturation of PHP has created a skeptical population of users from more traditional enterprise languages who question the readiness and ability of PHP to scale, as well as a large population of PHP developers without formal computer science backgrounds who have learned through the hands on experimentation while developing small and midsize applications in PHP. Date Added: 7/22/2011 5:56:15 AM | Visits: 32430 |
Practical PHP and MySQL Building Eight Dynamic Web Applications: Practical PHP and MySQL reflects Jonos commitment to the spirit of making open source subjects accessible to everyone. The book carefully walks you through the code for eight useful, dynamic Web applications. Projects are presented in a playful way, like the forum project that touts horror movies that make you hide behind the couch. From the Foreword by Christopher Negus, Series Editor, Negus Live Linux Series Build Dynamic Web Sites Fast, with PHP and MySQL Learn from Eight Ready to Run Applications! Date Added: 7/22/2011 5:55:35 AM | Visits: 33651 |
Think Vitamin – PHP: In this course, we cover developing web sites using PHP, a widely used scripting language. Learn PHP from the basics through to advanced level using our PHP video tutorial library.
Date Added: 7/22/2011 5:54:20 AM | Visits: 32792 |
Expert PHP and MySQL: Best practices and expert techniques for todays most demanding apps
As the worlds most popular, general purpose, open source scripting language, PHP is frequently used with MySQL to create high traffic, mission critical applications. This indispensable book shares proven, author tested best practices and expert techniques that can be applied to even the most demanding MySQL driven PHP apps. Youll explore ways to extend MySQL with user defined functions, write PHP extensions, and solve problems when PHP and MySQL alone are not enough and other techniques or third party tools are necessary. Date Added: 7/22/2011 5:53:31 AM | Visits: 32370 |
CMS Design Using PHP and jQuery: PHP and JQuery are two of the most famous open source tools used for web development. This book will explain how to leverage their power by building a core CMS, which can be used for most projects without needing to be changed, and how to add custom plugins that can then be tailored to the individual project.
This book walks you through the creation of a CMS core, including basic page creation and user management, followed by a plugin architecture, and example plugins. Using the methods described in this book, you will find that you can create distinctly different websites and web projects using one codebase, web design templates, and custom-written plugins for any site-specific differences. Example code and explanation is provided for the entire project. Date Added: 7/22/2011 5:50:53 AM | Visits: 32659 |
PHP Builder - Ecommerce: The E Commerce Web Site we will be assembling is one in which all of the inventory is in a MySQL database and we offer a custom PHP cart for a unique shopping experience. It is a site that handles sales, customers, and inventory. Date Added: 7/22/2011 5:31:46 AM | Visits: 31589 |
Beginner PHP: Thanx to Bucky Roberts & thenewboston.com none of your questions on programming will remain unanswered: JAVA, C , Javascript, PYTHON, HTML, PHP Date Added: 7/22/2011 5:31:31 AM | Visits: 31443 |
PHP Builder - Ecommerce Course: The E - Commerce Web Site we will be assembling is one in which all of the inventory is in a MySQL database and we offer a custom PHP cart for a unique shopping experience. It is a site that handles sales, customers, and inventory. Date Added: 7/22/2011 4:51:28 AM | Visits: 33169 |
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