Data Structures and Algorithms EBooks
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Data Structures and Algorithms: Complete data structures and algorithms course. This course is taught at the University Of Western Australia. The course teaches the following topics : Objects and ADTs, Constructors and destructors, Data Structure , Methods, Pre- and post-conditions C conventions, Error Handling, Arrays, Lists, Stacks, Stack Frames, Recursion, Sequential Searches, Binary Search , Trees, Complexity, Queues, Priority Queues , Heaps, Bubble , Heap Sort, Quick Sort , Bin Sort, Radix Sort, Searching Revisited, Red-Black trees, AVL trees, General n-ary trees, Hash Tables, Dynamic Algorithms, Fibonacci Numbers , Binomial Coefficients, Optimal Binary Search Trees, Matrix Chain Multiplication, Longest Common Subsequence, Optimal Triangulation , Graphs , Minimum Spanning Tree , Dijkstra's Algorithm , Huffman Encoding , FFT , Hard or Intractable Problems, Eulerian or Hamiltonian Paths , Travelling Salesman's Problem
Date Added: 8/6/2008 | Visits: 39687 |
Data Structures and Algorithms: Complete data structures and algorithms course. This course is taught at the University Of Western Australia. The course teaches the following topics : Objects and ADTs, Constructors and destructors, Data Structure , Methods, Pre- and post-conditions C conventions, Error Handling, Arrays, Lists, Stacks, Stack Frames, Recursion, Sequential Searches, Binary Search , Trees, Complexity, Queues, Priority Queues , Heaps, Bubble , Heap Sort, Quick Sort , Bin Sort, Radix Sort, Searching Revisited, Red-Black trees, AVL trees, General n-ary trees, Hash Tables, Dynamic Algorithms, Fibonacci Numbers , Binomial Coefficients, Optimal Binary Search Trees, Matrix Chain Multiplication, Longest Common Subsequence, Optimal Triangulation , Graphs , Minimum Spanning Tree , Dijkstra's Algorithm , Huffman Encoding , FFT , Hard or Intractable Problems, Eulerian or Hamiltonian Paths , Travelling Salesman's Problem
Date Added: 8/6/2008 | Visits: 53604 |
Data Structures and Algorithms: Complete data structures and algorithms course. This course is taught at the University Of Western Australia. The course teaches the following topics : Objects and ADTs, Constructors and destructors, Data Structure , Methods, Pre- and post-conditions C conventions, Error Handling, Arrays, Lists, Stacks, Stack Frames, Recursion, Sequential Searches, Binary Search , Trees, Complexity, Queues, Priority Queues , Heaps, Bubble , Heap Sort, Quick Sort , Bin Sort, Radix Sort, Searching Revisited, Red-Black trees, AVL trees, General n-ary trees, Hash Tables, Dynamic Algorithms, Fibonacci Numbers , Binomial Coefficients, Optimal Binary Search Trees, Matrix Chain Multiplication, Longest Common Subsequence, Optimal Triangulation , Graphs , Minimum Spanning Tree , Dijkstra's Algorithm , Huffman Encoding , FFT , Hard or Intractable Problems, Eulerian or Hamiltonian Paths , Travelling Salesman's Problem
Date Added: 7/10/2008 | Visits: 38515 |
Algorithms and Complexity: Classic text provides the perfect introduction to the tools of algorithmic design and analysis, concentrating on basic principles and illustrating them with well-chosen paradigms.
Date Added: 7/6/2008 | Visits: 32733 |
Designing and Building Parallel Programs : Welcome to Designing and Building Parallel Programs ! My goal in this book is to provide a practitioner's guide for students, programmers, engineers, and scientists who wish to design and build efficient and cost-effective programs for parallel and distributed computer systems.
Date Added: 9/19/2006 | Visits: 33107 |
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