Data Structures and Algorithms EBooks
Free Data Structures and Algorithms EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free Data Structures and Algorithms EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Data Structures and Algorithms EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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Investigating Design Criteria for Searching Databases: This two-part tutorial will describe in detail the design complexities of selecting a particular search algorithm or technology. Part I investigates the key design considerations, including development issues and attributes that help determine which diverse memory architecture to incorporate into your design.
Date Added: 9/15/2006 | Visits: 33702 |
Efficient Algorithms for Sorting and Synchronization: The remote data update algorithm, rsync, operates by exchanging block signature information followed by a simple hash search algorithm for block matching at arbitrary byte boundaries. The last chapter of the thesis examines a number of related algorithms for text compression, differencing and incremental backup.
Date Added: 7/22/2006 | Visits: 34339 |
Designing and Building Parallel Programs : Designing and Building Parallel Programs ! My goal in this book is to provide a practitioner's guide for students, programmers, engineers, and scientists who wish to design and build efficient and cost-effective programs for parallel and distributed computer systems. I cover both the techniques used to design parallel programs and the tools used to implement these programs. I assume familiarity with sequential programming, but no prior exposure to parallel computing.
Date Added: 7/22/2006 | Visits: 33513 |
Algorithms: Online Free
Date Added: 7/22/2006 | Visits: 34707 |
Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures: This is a dictionary of algorithms, algorithmic techniques, data structures, archetypical problems, and related definitions. Algorithms include common functions, such as Ackermann's function. Problems include traveling salesman and Byzantine generals. Some entries have links to implementations and more information. Index pages list entries by area and by type. The two-level index has a total download 1/20 as big as this page.
Date Added: 7/22/2006 | Visits: 35009 |
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